
Vanquish – Act 1 Mission 1 and 2 - Walkthrough and Guide – Part 1

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Vanquish – Act 1 Mission 1 and 2 - Walkthrough and Guide – Part 1
For those of you who don't know what to expect from this game, here is a word of caution. Your eyes will be blown out and your head will start spinning at the frenetic, unrelenting pace at which he game blisters past at.
Now that we have that out of the way, we can move on to the guide itself.
Starting off with the opening cut scene, which shows the destruction of San Francisco by the Order of the Russian Star.
What is it with these extremist Russians? One would think that they would have learnt their lesson by now. They just cannot win in the world of video games.
Moving on, the rest of the cut scene shows a female president of the United States of America, from which one can safely assume that the developers are A. Democrats and B. Supporters of Hilary Clinton.
A few more seconds into the cut scene and we are introduced to Burns, a bearded, bad-a*s, cut throat heavily armoured marine and his specially formed Bravo Company.
A short introduction to the rest of the characters, including the game’s protagonist, an outer space battle and a one-on-one hand to hand combat session later, the game finally begins.
Act 1
Mission 1
A very straight forward mission, just proceed till the end of the corridor, using the left trigger to slide is the fastest way and wait for the in game set pieces to take place, i.e., doors blast open and marines get sucked out, before proceeding.
Upon reaching the end of the corridor another cut scene will begin, which is filled with explosions and one ship, yours obviously, making it through the enemy defences.
A very Normandy-esque landing/invasion scene later and the game finally kicks into its first actual combat mission.
Act 1
Mission 2
As the game starts it is best not to waste any ammo, or time by shooting at the enemy just yet, instead follow the objective and flank the enemy from the left. Go as far forward as you can behind the enemy lines and man one of the mounted weapons.
This line is crucial to completing the mission: ‘unleash h**l’ (i.e. fire away!)
Kill as many of the foot soldiers as you can using your own mounted weapon and then move up and take over the next line of mounted weapons and keep firing until Burns catches up with you and leads you through the huge door.
The door btw is a hole, which was blasted open by another fairly massive ship crashing through the gate. A nice set piece indeed.
Getting through will not be easy as an enemy controlled robot and a few foot soldiers will spill through. Focus on the robot first and the easiest way to take it out is to shoot the R.I. controlling it. Once that is done mop up the rest of the soldiers and
move in.
Tip: It is best to leave the foot soldiers for the end and to focus on any mounted machine guns or bigger enemy robots, as they pose a greater threat.
After you have taken out the remaining soldiers, proceed through the door and it will trigger the end of the mission.
Well done you have just finished the first in many high intensity missions the game has to offer. The missions ahead will increase in scale and get bigger and tougher as you progress.
Read on in Vanquish – Act 1 Mission 3 - Walkthrough and Guide – Part 2
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the editorial policy of



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