
Varicocele, only 21, should I do surgery?

by Guest33031  |  earlier

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I have a varicocele and its been hurting and dragging a lot..( i live in sacramento and its constantly 90 degrees which doesn't help) Is it advisable to do surgery or embolization? which is better? I have one more year of college left and 1 more year of school insurance, afterwards i might not have it...Am i too young to get surgery done? I am so scared of surgery especially when it is on my s*****m...IM SO SCARED AND IN PAIN...WHY ME!!!!




  1. If you have it repaired you will only be laid up a week or two. Have the surgery while you still have insurance. You are young and healthy, and your recovery time will be short. I know it is a major thing to you, but I can assure you it's not a major surgery and you will do well....and you will thank yourself when your pain and discomfort are gone!!

  2. i had one fixed while they were fixing my hernia. it isnt bad at all so dont get worried about it. i do recomend you shave your pubic hair otherwise they will do it for you. i was up and walking around the next day and i was a little sore but it will take about a week or two that you will be able to get back to normal life. but if you want it fixed i sugest you get it done while you are young. i am 31 and wish i had it done years ago because i think that is what is causeing fertility issues with me. if you want a family tell your doc you want it done soon. it does hurt. trust me i know what you are going through it isnt fun at all. good luck

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