
Vasquez/Marquez or Ward/Gatti which do you consider the best trilogy of the two? and why?

by Guest67084  |  earlier

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Vasquez/Marquez or Ward/Gatti which do you consider the best trilogy of the two? and why?




  1. gotta go with Vasquez/Marquez

    I loved the gatti/Ward battles, but vasquez/marquez showed so much more skill and it was nonstop high intense fight throughout every round. There was no bad rounds or one sided rounds. Knockdowns everywhere and just all around the perfect triligy. And coud it of ended with a better fight? That was like a storybook ending and was seriously a boxing fans treat.

    The speed/power/technique/blood/guts/heart/ ability to overcome tough circumstances, its gotta go to them. The third fight pretty much was the cherry on top the way Vasquez knocked marquez down with 7 seconds left. Was really an amazing display of boxing.

    Cant take anything away from Gatti/Ward, was awesome to watch them go at it too, but it rare to see guys so small fight like that.

  2. Vasquez/Marquez because the fighters were better fighters.  Gatti and Ward were never the best fighters in their class.  Everytime they stepped up to fight the elites in their weight class they lost.  Marquez was the best jr bantam, and Vasquez was the best bantam.  It was a great fight, and I am hoping for a fourth.

  3. I see Vasquez/Marquez as a Ward/Gatti but with more skill and without the name recognition.

  4. Vazquez-Marquez III is the best trilogy of the two....This fight was a good one.....both boxers came into the ring and gave their public a great show!.....In my opinion the best fight i've seen!....This fight had people on their feet!....Both boxers gave each other their best!.....What a Great Fight!....Hopefully we have a 4th one!....To even up the score!....

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