
Vaxuhall signum baby seat saftey?

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can you put a baby in its baby sit FACING FORWARDS if the airbag is deactivated ~? - only answer if you fully know please




  1. No. Babies as such must go into a seat where they face to the rear. Go to for info.

  2. if the baby is over 9 months and has a seat that is suitable to be forward facing then you can. babies under nine months have to be rear facing. (can also be based on weight but i cant remember thm) if they are forward facing it can be dangerous and any bump or crash could put huge strain on thre delicate necks. but if they are older thn it is fine. ive just brought a new car seat so we had all these questions when we brought it.


  3. It is dangerous but you can if you fall into one of the below categories......

    1) in a licensed taxi or private hire vehicle (for infants and older children);

    2) if the child is traveling on a short distance for reason of unexpected necessity;

    3) if there are two occupied child restraints in the rear which prevent the fitment of a third.

  4. uk?

    yes, if baby is the right weight and heigh and age for forward facing, they can go in the front with air-bag deactivated.

    the advice is to put the passenger seat as far back from the window as possible

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