
Vball problems...?

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so... Im co-captain of my vball team. I always try to encouage my teammates and help them with things. I also like to be organized and make sure everyone knows when everything is.

BUT last week one of the girls freaked out and asked why6 we had to be at our game 15 minutes before we start cuz it was tooo much time! the she went on to say that im controling and that being captian has gone to my head and that I think im better than everyone else.

I have no idea where this came from but 2 other girls agreed and we only have 8 on our team. I dunno what to do I dont think im doing anything wrong. and I def dont act like im better than everyone I pulled my self out of the game when I was passing bad! any advice?




  1. Some people don't like others 'bossing' them around (I live with sister, haha)

    My suggestion is to have a meeting with the whole team.  A good captain not only gives ideas, they should also be able to take ideas.

    Have a meeting, and tell the girls that there are some issues to work out.  Let them know that you're willing to listen to any ideas they have about the team, and what your team could work on.  A captain has to be very open to ideas and suggestions, otherwise people will rebel.  Reassure them that you're not bossing them around, you're just passionate about volleyball and would like to see the team do as best as they can.

    Talk to the girl who freaked out about the early arrival time.  Make her understand that volleyball isn't only a physical game, but a mental one as well.  Teams need time to warm up their body, stretch, and concentrate on the game ahead with no distractions.  15 minutes is nothing!  When I played volleyball in high school, we had to be there an hour early.

  2. i completely agree with the other answer here... i was one of the girls that freaked my freshmen year but my sophmore year i wasn't captain but the girls came to me for their issues with the captain.... so in a way, my team has had a "moderator" of sorts who finds the comprimise point...

  3. Just Play the game, being captain doesn't mean going around and helping teammates out all the your game and play your butt off...lead be example......if the team is good around you then the rest will take care of itself. I was captain on my HS and College team...I made sure I played my heart out, I lead warm ups and cool downs, I didnt do anything different before being named captain. The team seems to think your doing to much and thats why they think it's gone to your head.

  4. she freaked out because she had to be there 15 min before, we always were there for our games at least an hour before!! Just because she doesnt like it doesnt mean anything apperently she doesnt like it that much.  One day she will be in your shoes and she will realize

  5. some people might not like being bossed around.

    it might just be how they're seeing it.

    don't let it worry you, but make sure you're not actually bossing them around.

  6. they are totally wrong. being there only 15 minutes early is not bad at all.  I've played volleyball for nine years (I'm only 13) and we always had to be there an hour early. even if we were to early, we just practiced our passing and setting in an open place. 15 minutes is not 2 long. You're doing a GREAT job.Trust me, i am the captain of my club team. everything your doing is great.keep encouraging. never pull your self out of the game. they need you more than any thing. don't give up.

  7. shes just acting bratty. well,you should ask her,how am i acting controlive?see if she responds. thats totally unacceptable,and i think you should all have a team meeting.
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