
VeGeTaRiAn DiEt hELP!!!?

by Guest56721  |  earlier

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I have cut out eating meat since feb, i have been doing a good job? i consume fish twice a month, and have been trying to cut dairy completely.i have lost 25 pounds since then, and i am very happy about that. Lately i have been not feeling well at all.. i was told mabey the lack of essential vitamins that are found in meat products are missing in my diet. i have no energy,and feel like ia m am gonna drop. i do have anemia!! are there any particular fruits and vegtables that i packed with high vitamin content that are needed in an everyday diet. esspecially when i feel like garbage to give me a boost. and are there any good web sites.( besides that can give me some good advice on continuing my diet, and keeping me healty and strong... i hope to become a vegan by the end of the year!!




  1. Go to any website that has a food pyramid and follow the guidelines. I don't eat any meat (fish is meat) or dairy products, and my health is a lot better than it ever has been. However, I never paid any attention to my diet until I became vegetarian, which was the initial problem.

    Vegetarian, vegan, or omnivore doesn't make any difference. What makes a difference is well planned diet. Blindly eating meat because you think it will fix everything is not the answer, but bindly eating whatever vegetables are around won't help either. You, and everyone else who wants to be healthy, must pay attention to your diet.

    A great resource you can use is It's totally free, and you can enter all the food you eat in a day and it will tell you exactl what vitamins you are missing, what you are eating too much of, your calorie intake, and anything else you might need in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Iron deficiency is known to cause erratic capitalization, you should up your intake immediately.  I recommend meat.

  3. Talk to your doctor!  They may put you on OTC iron pills but you need to make sure you're getting enough food.

  4. Go to Vegan Outreach and download the free Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating. Congrats on your decision and your weight loss! As soon as you balance your diet, you'll be feeling much better. I agree with the others in visiting a health professional such as a registered dietician. Best wishes with your new lifestyle! You can do this and be healthy too!

  5. You have not cut out meat if you eat fish.  Fish is flesh and flesh is meat.  Unless you totally avoided any foods with iron, I find it hard to believe you have anemia due to diet.

  6. Try healthy, high protein nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews. Also, look into "healthy fats" (you can do a search for that online) -some examples are avacados, olive oil and coconut oil. These are provide energy and nourishment. I'm not sure if a vegan diet agrees with everyone. Another thing you can do is look up "Ayurvedic" and find out what body type you are. There are then lists which recommend foods and supplements based on your type.

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