
Vedic Astrology - in the spotlight - question for practitionners?

by Guest56726  |  earlier

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Astrology over the past 3 decades has unfolded and evolved into studying and involving Asteroids into charts (approx Circa 1990's?)

There are a plethora of Asteroids too! I am amazed at the knowledge and information necessary to learn the tendencies related to Asteroids

The practicing astrologers I know that have used these as a tool in their practice - can get so detailed in their interpretations it is amazing!

Ok - so now in the West for Circa 2000 VEDIC Astrology - many astrologer's are studying and applying this form of Astrology into their practice, in addition to comparing and contrasting their past education (Esoteric, Asteroids etc...)

Question (s) - To practitioner's and/or students of Vedic Astrology.

1) Please give a brief background history on Vedic Astrology and it's roots ;)

2) Please describe the philosophy behind Vedic Astrology.

3) What are the limitations in this tool (if any)?

4) What are the advantages?

5) Can you give a comparative (brief) summary between Esoteric and Vedic Astrology




  1. there is lot of difficulty in axplainig such a vast subject here.esoteric and exoteric astrologies..the concept it self should understand meanings and subtle differences in words of hindu sanskkrit origin..karma,anthak karana ,saptarshi mandala(ursa majour) ,how the signs are allotted to stars,the seven rays is beyond my scope to explain to u in english language..i do not know the equivqlent technical terms for most.

  2. Briefly the answers to questions are as under;

    Q.1) Please give a brief background history on Vedic Astrology and it's roots ;)

    Answer: Vedic astrology has its origin simultaneous to the origin of this world.  It comes from Vedas, the most ancient literature.

    Q. 2) Please describe the philosophy behind Vedic Astrology.

    Answers: The deeds of our past life are rewarded in this life. God has given the destiny in the form of placement of planets in one's horoscope based on one's past karma (deeds).

    Q.3) What are the limitations in this tool (if any)?

    Answer. We are currently in the Kali Yuga.  The principles propounded at the time of writings of Vedas, need to be changed mutatis mutandis for being applicable to the present times. Previously moksha was the goal and now the goals have changed in life and it is much easier to attain moksha while living the normal life.

    Q. 4) What are the advantages?

    Answer: It unfolds the strengths and weakness - opportunities and setbacks in life. Astral remedies help in bringing the changes.

    Q. 5) Can you give a comparative (brief) summary between Esoteric and Vedic Astrology

    Answer: Esoteric astrology involves study of philosophical and mystical part where as Vedic Astrology is the application oriented part. Most of the people in the world are concerned with application benefits.

    For details one can refer to Free Access to Learning material on Astrology at the website

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