
Vegan Helpers?

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Well, I need some assistance because my urge for meat is coming back 10 fold. I mean I've only been a Vegan for well 1 week lets say and I haven't eaten any animal product since. But yesterday my family was eating this delicious food that I wanted to dig in to because all my father ever brings me is veggies with beans and rice. So I wanna have a more open diet to get my mind off of meat.

PS. I am only 15 years old and my father works in a restaurant and he brings my family and I food from his restaurant.

Also I have been starving the last week because of my lack of nutrition HELP




  1. Watch the movie "Earthlings".  That will get rid of your taste for meat pretty quickly.

    There are lots of imitation meats out there.  Try the Boca brand chicken patties or vegan burgers.  They're awesome.

  2. Eat some meat! you don't have o be a vegan.

  3. That last sentence was truly silly! Even if you didn't eat a bite of food, fasting is good for you and a "lack of nutrition" wouldn't do you in.

    As for your situation, the problem is that your dad is tempting you with the smell of the dead flesh. Why do you rely on restaurant food anyway? Don't your parents go to the grocery store? It's not good to eat that stuff regularly! It's high in sodium, drenched in fats (bad fats like trans fats and animal fats), and over-cooked, over-processed foods. Is there a Whole Foods by you or some other natural store? Go to the bulk bin and stock up on whole grains like brown basmati rice, quinoa, old-fashioned oatmeal, various beans, and you can get inexpensive whole grain organic pasta on their shelves, too! You should get a good veggie cookbook, too. Go to the library and learn how to cook and make your own food.

  4. Well as you may know veg@n mock meats are sold in various places. There are many brands like Amy's and Lightlife. They have burgers, turkey, ham, peperonis, chicken, and anyother meat substitue you could think of. I love veg@n mock meats but don't eat too much of them cause they could become bad for you. Balance them out in your diet. Eat them with veggies fruits, and the things your family brings for you! Hope that helped! And good luck on being a veg@n!!! I've been here for 5 months and it's great!!
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