
Vegan/Raw egyptian restaraunts?Ingredient in egyptian items? Is HFCS in organic brands in egypt?

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Am beginning to read literature on the dangers of high fructose corn syrup. It's in practically every food product in the u.s. grocery stores. Vegans and vegetarians seem to be aware of the dangers of corn syrup and a theory is that it's a method the government is using to make the poor more overweight and complacent. If corn syrup isn't used often in egyptian food do you think there's another ingredient that has the same effect of making the poor more pliable to the govnt will and unhealthy? Also, how does one say corn syrup in arabic? Vegan/Raw restaraunts in alex/cairo egypt (note=vegan is a bit more restrictive than a vegetarian diet. vegans don't eat dairy or eggs...raw diets are exactly that, raw. No cooked pasta, nothing cooked and of course a vegetarian base. Instead young coconut is used for pasta on things like pad thai and tofu instead of chicken)?




  1. these facts must be published in papers and treated on TV so that everybody would be aware of the mentioned dangers .

  2. Don't sweat about our government is too stupid to make such a conspiracy

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