
Vegan/Vegetarian restaurants near art institute of Chicago?

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We're going up there to move my sister into the dorms at the school, and I was wondering if anyone knew of some good vegetarian places nearby?




  1. Here are some in that area although the first one is nowhere near downtown:

    I don't know of any strictly vege restaurants downtown in Chicago but you can probably find what you need from these lists:

  2. Try looking for one on  Here's the link for Chicago:

    I'd recommend the Lake Side Cafe, their polish hotdog is worth the trip!

    Good luck!

  3. I had a date with someone up in that area, there's a few Asian food places, including a place called Wow Bao, which has some vegetarian items:

    It's a bit pricey, but they have a vegetable-only option for a few dishes, and it's like a ten minute walk from the Art Institute.

    Otherwise, if you want to hop down I-94 and get to Irving Park Road, there's a vegan raw food place called Cousin's Raw Vitality that's AWESOME!!! I cannot rave enough about it. You can get there in 10 minutes if it's not rush hour.

    Also on Irving Park Road, I went to a few Chinese food places, most offer tofu dishes. Heading towards Clark street I stopped off at a Chinese food place and had Orange tofu with steamed veggies and brown rice recently, and had my friend order mushroom tofu.

    The Loop doesn't have too many affordable places but you can get on the highway very easily, and afterwards if you go on Irving Park Road, or take Clark down a bit until you're more towards Wrigleyfield.

    If you ever have time to cruise, about 30 minutes away from the Loop is this big Pakistani and Indian district, where pretty much everything is vegetarian (though there are some halal meat places there too).

    Happy eating!

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