
Vegan calcium supplement?

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Is there such a thing as a vegan calcium supplement?




  1. Vitamins are not needed.  Buy some soy milk.  It has all the calcium that you B12 and a lot more.

  2. yep just get some pills from the supermarket, thats what i take, along with iron pills.

  3. Hey i just had a doubt, but recently posted a question...;...

    My parents often told me that vegans would not live more than 30 months. (Joke a side; this is what I learned before). But now I could see thru my own eyes my vegan neighbor is living much healthier than me. I’m not a vegetarian (certainly my parents are against this), nevertheless I even surprise to see there are also so called “raw” vegans living in the Y!A.

  4. Calcium form calcium supplements is derived from Calcium carbonate. They aren't as readily absorbed into the intestines as natural forms are, such as from plants.

    There is also something called Calc tea which is tea made from calcium rich plants and its VERY high in calcium

  5. Yup, health food stores carry them. Just go to your local health food store and ask about vegan vitamin supplements. I used to be vegan for about a year, and then switched to vegetarian. You probably already know that a diet like that has to include vitamins  (:

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