
Vegan friends: What makes one choose to become a RAW vegan?

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I'm vegan! I do really like organic cheese, although I have not had any in about a year!

How does one go about deciding to be a raw vegan? even to me, the idea seems rather far fetched. Will someone please explain it to me?

Do you have any interesting vegan news to tell me? Especially what products are (or not) vegan friendly, animal friendly, cruelty free...happy good cleaning/body soap/shampoo makeup clothing? anything interesting you would like to share with me?

A pizza hut that I visited once had lactose free cheese or vegetarian friendly cheese? or something. I was pretty sure it contained that milk caseinate or something to make it melt or to help the consistency but I do not know for sure. Do you know? I was not a strict vegan, then, so, I ate the cheese. Pizza hut said that their crust did not contain eggs or milk if you are interested. Is that true?




  1. i thought i wanted to try it  a long time ago but i like cooked food. they say it will give u more energy becuz it doesn't take as long to digest raw food.

  2. I think people do it only for health reasons, not for animal rights. Something about how heating things higher than 115 degrees takes out some of the vitamins.

    Pizza crust doesn't usually contain eggs or milk it's just basicly flour, water, and yeast... Also I heard about a new vegan cheese that's supposed to be really good, but you have to buy it online ( I haven't tried it, but people have said it actually tastes like cheese, unlike every other brand there is.

  3. I read many informative articles, books & newsletters on the idea of RAW Veggie/Vegan diets. I was convinced enough to try it last summer. I've had amazing results; my health has improved leaps & bounds. I sleep great & have lots of energy.

    Not all raw foodies are Veggie; there are quite a few that eat Marinated Fish, Sushi, Raw cheese & Steak Tartre.

  4. Perhaps, they believe the nutrition value of raw food will be deteriorated by cooking.

    As for my self, though I am not a vegan, I have no problem at all eating raw lettuces, cucumbers, and tomatoes (all of them are part of my daily diets)

    A friend told me these vegan websites. The last one (7th) is for dogs :)

  5. People who eat raw believe that heating food above a certain temperature destroys enzymes and nutrients that are necessary.  They may be right, but that's not my bag.

    Vegetarian cheese is probably cheese made with rennet from a vegetable source.  Most cheese is not vegetarian, so most lacto-ovo vegetarians are in fact NOT vegetarians.  They are eating calf stomachs everytime they eat cheese.

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