O.k., so I've been hardcore vegetarian since I was like 5, and have been vegan in recent years. I grew up and still grow up in an environment where everyone eats meat and literally have no concious problems about it. You see, I don't force my vegan opinions on everyone else, but sure, yes, it would be nice if I somehow could convince my parents that they should at least turn vegetarian. I don't think my parents could ever turn vegan, because, well, they like meat...ugh...I want to cry, really I do. Anyways, I'm the kind of vegan who knows why it's amazing to be a vegan, but in order to convince my parents (for the 1,000,000 time, oh no...) I need your help to give me some real statistics and vital information that I could put in a slideshow to convince them to move on over to becoming a vegan. I know it's a shame that I'm a vegan and I can't put up a good debate, so as others can see what good points are being vegan, but I guess it's been hard for me to put something together with facts of information, instead of relying on my emotions to let people see things my way. My parents are always about facts, statistics, etc. and won't be convinced by my crying all the time about them turning vegan. Yes, they support me, but no, they don't convert. I guess, it's just that the people I'm close to, like my parents and friends, are the people I seem to be trying to persuade (subtely, by the way) the most, because I care about them the most, you know, and since they care about me, I feel like they should try and understand more. It's been years of trying to convince but I would appreciate some good counterarguments and any information I could use in a persuasive slide show...sorry if I keep using the same words over and over again, but I'm not the smartest nor eloquent person you have ever seen. lol! :) Anyways, yeah, I would appreciate anything and thank you for reading this. Oh, and by the way, seeing the way animals are treated in videos such as on youtube doesn't make their heart melt even a little. My dad grew up on a farm and like to decapitate chickens for fun and my mom...well, she's asian, and no offense to asians, but yes, cuturually she grew up eating meat, as well as some other animal stuff I don't want to mention...do you vegans ever feel hopeless and depressed like me? Oh, I really do type too much, but please, someone give me advice! You don't know how much I appreciate you all! :) Oh, yeah, and please don't mind if I might e-mailing you about questions concering being a vegan because I don't have any vegan friends, nor have any support group so to speak..lol! Well, o.k. I'll really stop typing now. :)