
Vegan nutrition help?

by  |  earlier

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hello, i went vegan

and its been going really wll - im never tired, never sick, anything like that

i take calcium, b12, iron, and a multivitamin everyday

the only problem is that im not sure im getting enough nutrition, i havent had my period since february...which concerns me

please dont tell me to eat meat or anything like that

i just need some diet tips that will help me get what i need

thankkks :]




  1. You can get all of those nutrients from soy milk, so that would save you some money on the vitamins.  Look at the label on your soy milk if you drink it and it will probably say it has 50% of each.  I consume 2 servings (16) ounces per day.

    It is important to take in enough calories.  Salads and crackers are not going to cut it.

    Eat more peanut butter or other nut butters...Eat nuts as snacks.  And try faux meat, it's a great thing.

    Be sure you aren't just sitting around eating salads all the time.  If you make a list of everything you eat in a day it had better not sound like just enough for one meal.

    Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks...Then you can even have some munchies in the evening.  Try to eat 2000 calories a day.

    The period thing may not be because you changed your diet.  I had gotten my period regularly all of my life and then it stopped for over a year.  I was concerned that I was going through premature menopause.  Then one day I got it again and I am regular once more.  I wasn't a vegan then, I was just under a lot of stress.

    Extremely low body weight can make your period stop though.  You can stop having you period whether you are vegan or not if you are starving yourself...not to say you are.

    If you are underweight that is ok.  Just take in more than 2000 calories....maybe take in 2500.  Eat plenty of carbs and beans.  That will help you keep the weight on or get more weight if you need it.

    Good luck to you and take care.  You can e-mail me if you need anymore help.  I am always getting e-mails from here and I never mind helping out a fellow vegan.

  2. Well I stongly believe you need to go get that checked out by a doctor and also a doctor could answer your questions properly. Theres nothing better than proffesional advice and answers
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