
Vegan sack lunch ideas?

by  |  earlier

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and i would preferable not like to use the microwave, but i'll acsept ANY advice i can get!




  1. why put it in your hairy armpit thats fine

  2. Fatfree refries and salsa in a little tupperware container, with whole corn tortilla chips.

    Finger veg and babaganoush for a dip.

    Salads:bean salad, tabouli, carrot and raisin with white beans thrown in, fresh tomatoes sliced with tofu, garlic, fresh basil, and a little olive oil.

    Pita's stuffed with cucumbers and leftover falafel.

    Lettuce and peanut butter rollups or ants-on- a-log(celery stalks with peanut butter, topped with raisins.

    You do not have to use a microwave, if you heat up leftovers or soup before you leave, and put in a widemouth thermos.

    Much of the time, I bring a thermos of green smoothie, with fresh spinach, a banana, other fruit an a little soy milk and crushed ice blended together. The spinach sounds wierd, but you don't taste it over the fruit, and its really healthy !

    Simple food- a leftover baked yam, eaten out of hand, finger vegies, fruit, homemade granola bars.

    Having an insulated fabric lunchbag and reusable containers keeps the food cool, and is much better than paper sacks and plastic wrap.

    Hope that helps!

    You could also try this site



  3. vegetables, fruit, granola bar, juice, muffin, bagel, cereal.

  4. I usually do something frozen from Amy's, leftovers, or a sandwich/wrap.

    You can just buy your favorite veggies that are in season and throw them together on bread or a tortilla, and use condiments like hummus or certain kinds of salad dressing (I like Italian).

    Or you can make a simple cold salad, like this one:

    I also pack fresh fruit and something to drink, usually water.

  5. yougurt and granola

    Fruit salad... any type of salad

    veggie sandwhich

    soup in a thermas

    veggies iwth some ranch


    protien shakes

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