
Vegan sources of protein?

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I eat a lot of soybeans and drink soy shakes. What other sources are available?




  1. If you don't like tofu you should really try out tempeh, which comes in a few varieties and has an innate flavor & texture, unlike tofu, really. Beyond that you have nuts and legumes, such as peanuts, almonds, walnuts, lentils, etc. Brown rice also has protein in it, as well as a wealth of other nutrition.

    You should check out these websites:

  2. Beans are a good source of protein. So are nuts.

    Quinoa is a complete protein and is quite tasty.

    Some of the dark leafy greens offer traces of protein - Romaine lettuce, collard greens and kale.

    Good luck!

  3. You need to eat food not just plants

  4. Aside from soybeans and tofu, good vegan sources of protein are almonds, black beans, cashews, fake meats, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, peanut butter, pinto beans, seitan, soymilk, and sunflower seeds.


  6. Lentils, beans, peanuts, almonds, peanut butter, quinoa, soy milk, veggie burgers, soy burgers, meat substitutes, whole wheat pasta, Clif Builders Bars, Odwalla bars, Organic Food Bars, wild rice, soy yogurt, and black beans are great sources of protein.

  7. All legumes, not just soybeans, are rich sources of protein.  This means kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, chickpeas, etc...

    Whole grains are good sources.  Try quinoa (which isn't botanically a grain, but functions as one in cooking.)  It's as versatile as rice, tasty, a source of complete protein and also a good source of calcium and iron, to boot.  For faux meats, seitan (wheat meat) makes a great alternative to soy and is packed with protein (it's wheat flour with the starch washed away, leaving just the protein behind.)

    Nuts and seeds are good sources and both are rich sources of various other nutrients and heart-healthy fats.

    Vegetables, especially green ones, are good sources of protein.  On a per calorie basis, brocolli has more protein than beef.

    If you're eating a balanced, varied vegan diet you need not worry about protein.

  8. nuts,soy foods(veggie meats,soy milk,soy cheese,soy yogurt,edamame or however you spell it,of and of course tofu), beans.

  9. The Hallelujah Diet is a very strict vegan diet (IMO crazy, but my sister likes it) They have one FAQ that says:

    How will I get all the protein and calcium I need on this diet?

    All of our fresh raw fruits and juices contain an abundance of protein and calcium. Our bodies are designed to obtain ALL of nutrients they need from our raw foods. Nature doesn't produce vitamins, minerals, or any other food components in concentrated or isolated forms. They come in a synergistic blend with other components the body needs to assimilate them.

    If we look in nature at a cow, we see an animal that can graze all day on green grass and obtain all the protein and calcium necessary to support a 1200 or more pound body. They can even produce a healthy calf and provide adequate nutrients in their milk to nourish that calf until weaning time.

    Our nutrients are available in a good variety of raw foods. Those who desire more protein for specific reasons may want to increase the amount of raw nuts and seeds (soaked prior to consuming), whole grains, and legumes in the diet. We purposely keep these foods to a minimum so we don't get an excess of protein. Most high protein foods leave an acid ash in the body. We want to help the body maintain an alkaline balance.

    I recommend reading their site as another resource to whatever else you have. Also, I noticed they now have a forum and I'm sure they might be able to answer questions there since those people live like that.

  10. hey did you know combining beans and grains makes a complete protien, so go eat a burrito.  haha - nuts are always another good source.  just come yo do not like tofu, it really limits you.  maybe you never BBQ your tofu.  good luck to you  :)

  11. Soymilk.  It is not tofu and tastes great.  But maybe you had bad tofu, it is very good.

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