
Vegan switching to lacto-ovo vegitarian?

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I'm a 15 year old vegan guy. I've been a vegan since January. At first, I was really motivated about it and so were my parents. Over time it's started to get harder and harder to follow such a strict diet. I've been thinking about switching to a lacto-ovo vegetarian and eating dairy and eggs since being vegan is so hard for me, my family, and friends. I also think I will get better nutrition since I'm still growing and maybe I'll be a vegan layer in life. What do you guys think???




  1. I think it's a good idea.  You really do need the foods that will help you grow up.  My friend is vegan and he is absolutley a mess.  He is always tired and fails at school.  He never eats healthy, only regular chips.  It's gross.  I think a lacto-ovo is a much better choice, and you're right, you can always go back to being a regular vegan later on in life.

  2. personally i think being vegan is a bit extreme.

    i had a vegan friend and she could never find any of the right foods so it was super hard for her, i think you'd be better off as a lacto-ovo vegetarian, you'll probably have more energy from getting more of your vitamins and nutrients.

  3. It's your choice to make. It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing. In my opinion, the egg industry is the cruelest because of the intensive confinement. Maybe you could become a lacto-vegetarian and drink milk but exclude eggs & meat from your diet. Another possibility: eat products that contain eggs and dairy (like crackers and cookies), but don't eat scrambled / boiled eggs or drink milk. Hope this helps.

  4. Being vegan is really easy.  But, I didn't go vegan until I was living alone and therefore able to cook things myself.  I suppose it would be harder living with family unless you buy some cookbooks and help out in the kitchen.

    Some people would find it easier to be lacto-ovo until they are moved out of the house, but I would advise you to try, try again.

  5. your personal choice so follow your heart you seem like you want to become vegetarian as long as you don't eat meat your still being kind to the environment remember eat from nature local and organic!

  6. I am a former chef and now a lacto-ovo vegetarian due to medical reasons and your right in some cases it can be a demanding task, but you can still be a good vegtarian and eat lots of veg and supplement a bit of milk and milk products, the odd egg or egg replacement into your diet, I know I will get murdered for this but a growing young man or young women need the proteins they get from eggs and dairy product to grow and be healthy, you have not stopped growing and your body will continue to change for sometime.

    I will give you an example, when I was your age back in the 1970's, long time ago I was 5'10" tall and weighted 165 lbs when I finished the 8th grade here in Canada and was going into our high school system, I wore a size 9 shoe and a mens medium of anything else, 4 years later when I graduted high school with a diploma and my grade 12 plus an honour's certificate, I was 6"5" tall, weighted 210 lbs and wore an XXL of clothing and a size 13 shoe, so eat and grow up healthy and then once you have finish growing into a fine young man around 19-20, if the vegan lifestyle is your choice then so be it, you will know for sure if it is. Good Luck I hope it all works out for you.

  7. You should not feel presurised to keep going vegan. It is your choice entirely and since it is such a strict diet (or lifestyle) you should only keep at it if you are 100% motivated. Do not force yourself, I think that if you are having even the slightest of doubts you should change.

  8. That's entirely up to you.

  9. Your concept is flawed.

    Vegetarianism is a lifestyle,not a diet!

    Give yourself  time,and if you desire dairy products for now,go to it.

    Your body is still developing,so time is on your side,but at the age of eighteen,or when you are fully grown,you would do well ,to become a strict veggie man.

    Don't buy  into that lie,that one cannot get enough protein,calcium,and whatever from veggies.

    Perish the thought.

    Yes you can.

    Personally I think cow's milk is for "baby cows",but to each his own.

    If one wants to consume eggs,egg whites are filled to the brim with protein;but then, so does spinach,broccoli,beans,tuna fish,etc.etc....

    On the other hand,the  egg yolk is full of cholestorol!

    The evidence is there.

    Although a little red meat is probably Ok, occasionally,the concept of eating blood,just doesn't "do-it" for me.

    You have the favor of youth on your side,but remember,the sooner the better.

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