
Vegan && vegatarrian question. + miley cyrus.?

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I'm researching vegans && vegatarians, i would love to now the different things, and responseabilitys, one more thing is it true that miley cyrus is vegan?




  1. there arent many responsibilites, its not that hard just cut meat out of your diet, that includes fish and chicken, if you start to feel weak, which you might in the begining you might want to take some sort of vitimen for awhile, there are brands like Boca and Morning Star that are meatless cheeseburgers, bacon, etc... and then they're brands like Smart Deli which is all the meatless deli meats, you can buy them at any Walmart or grocery store and you can just prepare them in the microwave,

    um i dont know anything about Miley Cyrus, but i can tell you that she is most likely NOT a vegan.

  2. I heard she is a vegetarian (I'm geussing lacto-ovo?) but I read in an interview that she doesn't eat anything green, which made me wonder how is she getting all of her vitamins?

  3. Who is she?

  4. I know she doesn't eat meat, but I am not sure if she is vegan.

  5. You have to take b vitamins, or a lot of your hair falls out, and you become severely depressed.

    veganism is neat.

  6. I read somewhere that she's a vegetarian but she doesn't eat anything green (???) so I don't know how she gets away with it...

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