
Vegan vs. Raw Vegan? Weight loss and general health question ...?

by Guest61579  |  earlier

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I went on a vegan diet awhile back from a consumptive diet mainly consisting of junk food.

I was thin to begin with, thanks to a fast metabolism, but I really wanted to get healthy without having to give up my bar going nights. After I switched to a vegan diet, I lost about 13 pounds, so i think i look nice and skinny. I also don't feel as guilty having a couple of drinks at night.

Now I'm reading about this "raw" vegan diet and finding conflicting reports on the diet. Some worship it, but some say it's overrated and that while it's true that some vitamins are lost through processing, others are only evident through heating.

Secondly, if you are blending a lot of raw foods, aren't you catalyzing breakdown because of the speed at which the molecular structure is moving?

Anyway - can anyone tell me if this diet is really much healthier than regular veganism and promote weight loss faster? Will I loss more weight more rapidly or is veganism healthy enough?




  1. Since every person is completely different, the "results" of any type of a dietary regimin or change in one will vary greatly from person to person.  A RAW diet means that the living molecular structure of that food item is going to have an effect that is either good for or not good for the current state of affairs that is set up within your own body.  Even the air we breathe effects the living orgamisms that reside within our bodies (as I understand it).  FOOD COMBINING IS A TRICKY BUSINESS.  Some people cannot tolerate it, while others seem to thrive on a diet of nutrient-rich fresh-from-the-tree/vine foods.  

    I'm one of those people with extremely slow metabolism & heart rate, who gains weight no matter what I eat.  I shutter to think what would happen if I didn't stay away from high calorie & risky foods.  

    I see your point regarding the molecular structure concerns, but I believe these concerns would have little to no effect on the overall nutrients if the blender is not causing a heat effect to transfer into the food, therefore having an effect on it...I could be wrong.  I think that's is why they invented the "pulse button" on modern day avoid the "burn factor" caused by extreme blender speeds.

  2. Whoa...some of your factoids are a little off. First of all, WTF does "some vitamins are only evident through heating?" Did you mean "absorbable" or "viable" through heating? And the point is that minerals are also at play here and heating at a high temp renders them inorganic. And what about ENZYMES, which are the living aspects of the food? Hello, that is a major issue with raw fooders.

    Also, I worry about your weight obsession. Do you have anorexia? You said you are nice and skinny yet are interested in losing even more weight? Yes, I am almost certain that going raw means you will lose more weight but WHY?

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