
Vegans, how do you eat the same foods over and over again. It's like you eat the same thing EVERYDAY.?

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I have decided to become a Vegan (and for those of you who say, "meat is good," it's actually not. It has steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics in it..even if the USDA says it's "pure.")

So I wanted to know what are some meals that I can eat everyday, without getting "bored" of the samw food bcuz I hate eating veggie burgers, and cereal with soy milk all day. What else is there?

Oh and this is 99.9% why I didn't WANT to eat meat.

It's only like 7 min. Watch it if you're a meat eater plz.




  1. First step to being a vegan, don't try and convert others... even if we both know it's bad... it's not deadly. People have to make their own decision and its not up to us as vegetarians to put them in their place. So, let them live, and stop throwing down vegetarian ideals down their throats, just because they eat meat!

    Other than that, I'd just experiment. Go to the natural foods store and see what you can get with no animal products. I'd help you out, but I eat animal products such as milk and cheese.

  2. Many people eat the meat that is in their plate ,still did they ever had to kill the animal before eating it !!Once you did, then you dont see meat the same way .If youre having doughts ,pay yourself a visit to the slaughter house ,there youll get your motivation i assure you .

  3. kind of

  4. I'm sorry i have nothing to offer you in response to your question,

    Just noting that i'm curiously following your question as well,

    and the thing is the EXACT video that got me started on being a vegan.

    The hardest thing i find is giving up milk, with soy yogurt only tasting good in a smoothie and milk being so fake.

    So anyways i could mention that for snack try a smoothie with soy yogurt. The soy yogurt blends right in, and because there is so much else in a smoothie also add protein powder (seemingly necessary). Itll taste just like a fresh smoothie, so you can change the flavor daily

  5. In the beginning I lived off of cereal and veggie burgers too.  I am so happy now that I found so many other things!


    Soy yogurt with fruit, Cereal with soy milk, oatmeal with soy milk and fruit, leftover soy cheese pizza...Vegan pancakes made with bananas in the batter...


    Leftover dinner from the night before, peanut butter apple slices, hummus on toast or in a pita pocket with sprouts, nut butter or tomato sandwich, bagel with tofutti better than cream cheese and jelly, a big salad with everything, pasta salad with raw veggies and soy cheese cubes, vegan bacon lettuce and cheese sandwich with nayonaise, Fluffer nutter made with ricemallow...

    Dinner:  Mac and soy cheese, Spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatless meatballs, vegan chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes and corn, vegan sloppy joes, vegan chili with corn cake, vegan tacos, chick'n or bean burritoes, chick'n sanwich, Amy's TV dinners, Vegetable stir fry with steamed brown rice, roasted vegetables, home-made or store-bought vegetable soup or stew, Veggie on the grill, vegan stuffed peppers, vegan stuffed mushrooms, soy cheese pizza, tofurkey

    Snacks:  cooked or raw vegetables, fresh frozen canned or dried fruit, frozen vegan treats, nuts, seeds, crackers, home-made or store-bought vegan cookies, granola, vegan friendly candy, popcorn, and much more!

    These are just all the things we eat around here.  I know there are tons of other options out there.  I just thought I would give some to think about.

    You'll be healthier if you eat all of these things.  I could barely focus my eyes when I only ate cereal.  Take care!

  6. I don't remotely eat the same things every day.  In fact, I eat a much wider variety of foods and use a much wider variety of recipes as a vegan than I ever did as either a meat eater or a vegetarian.  Now, I know that's not because vegan food is somehow magically more varied than omni or vegetarian food, but since I can't really rely on convenience foods* I am highly motivated to cook.  A couple of good cookbooks is all you need.

    *If you're sick of eating veggie burgers all day, this is your problem.  Veganism is healthiest and most sustainable if you skip the limited selection of convenience foods and explore the vast world of whole foods.

    Some of the meals I've enjoyed recently:

    veggie-ful three bean chili

    manzana chili verde

    red lentil & cauliflower curry

    chickpeas simmered in roasted tomato & red pepper sauce

    corn chowder

    potato & spinach enchiladas

    veggie & seitan stir fry with yakisoba noodles

    black bean burgers

    chickpea cutlets with mashed potatoes

    roasted veggie panini

    scrambled tofu with apple-sage sausages

    spinach & chickpea curry

    baked pumpkin ziti

    cheeseless pizza with artichoke hearts, pesto, kalamata olives and roasted garlic

    lentil sloppy joes

    curried split pea soup

    If you're new to veganism and/or are an inexperienced cook, I highly recommend "Veganomicon" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero.  They have a lot of great info on stocking your vegan pantry, lots of veggie, legume and grain "mix & match" recipes, and a huge variety of food (soups, casseroles, curries, stir fries, desserts, breads, breakfast foods, etc.)  And they mark the recipes that can be made quickly and/or with ingredients you'll find in any grocery store.

  7. THAT IS SO DISCUSTING.....that slaughterhouse is probably one of the worst there is no way that other places are that bad

  8. Most meat eaters eat the same things everyday. i.e. fried chicken, baked chicken, bar b que chicken, etc.

  9. Breakfast ideas:

    Fruit and toast

    Waffles or pancakes

    LARA bar

    Lunch ideas:

    Tomato and cucumber sandwiches with dill

    Vegetable and/or bean soups or stews

    Nuts and or seeds with fruit

    Dinner ideas:

    Lentil soup (dhal)

    Pea soup

    Braised veggies

    Rice and beans with curry

    There's a great vegetarian cookbook called "The Passionate Vegetarian" by Crescent Dragonwagon.  It's out of print but you can get it on Amazon used.  It's over 1,000 pages and has the most FANTASTIC recipes in it.

  10. There are hundreds of thousands of foods out there which don't contain meat affording you millions of possibilities!

    pick up a few solid vegan cook books.   Experiment with the different grains like Quinoa all the wonderful rices, and cous cous.   Pick up fresh seasonal vegitables, a few favorite sauces.

    Pick up some Seitien, various tofu's which come in all different flavours! and go crazy trying new things!

    There is a vegan alternative to EVERYTHING, you can get vegan cheeses, vegan hot dogs, vegan burgers go nuts get creative.  

    If you plan to go vegan, you are probably going to want to learn to love cooking so experiment and have fun with your food!

  11. well im a vegetarian and all i eat is fruits veggies and drink water my dad always tells me to eat meat its ******* enoying like shut up i dont wanna eat meat didnt you see what they do to the poor animal' gonna start drinking soy milk and eat veggie burgers cuz im not gonna drink milk or anything that commes from animal's... soo yea.

    That video id disgusting ppl should stop eating meat there's lots of other foods that contain as much protein as an animal right i think dunno anyways bye

  12. Try ethnic foods like Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Mediterranean etc. Vegans don't just live on veggie burgers and cereal!! (although it does taste good, but if I ate that all day. i'd get bored)

  13. is this video disturbing? plz reply, if so, then plz tell me, cuz its like well in the night, and if its distirbing, then i'll sleep with those images for days, by the way, you could make fruit smoothies, veggie smoothies, gt foods from vegan places like whole foods (that's the only one i know). and you could get vegan recipes in stores or online to cook. just a thought, hope i could help, plz answer

  14. Why not google some vegan recipes? There are a tonne of new foods out there awaiting you. Its not about eating the same stuff every day its about learning new techniques of preparing food. Good luck!

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