
Vegans, please answer.?

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If vegetables, tofu, and the like became extremely expensive due to a combination of the economy, oil prices, and global warming, and meat prices remained relatively the same, how expensive would the vegan items have to be for you to break veganism (if that's a word)? Would you continue being vegan if it started to cut into your other bills, like keeping you from paying your rent?




  1. All of these items already ARE very expensive.  I make plenty of money and I budget for my food like every other American.  This is like saying "If you had to pay to go to church, would you stop believing in God?"  You belittle us all and reveal your own ignorance and intolerance when you intimate that being a vegan is something that I would not choose if it were inconvenient or expensive.  This is my belief system.  These are my values.  Those do not change because of money.

    And plants are cheap.  Beans and lentils will always be cheap.  I just bought a bag of lentils for $1.99.  I can make like 5 meals out of that.

  2. First of all, that will never happen.  By virtue of the industry, animal products will always be more expensive than plant foods.

    Second of all, if plant food prices rise, everybody's going to feel the pinch becase everybody eats plant foods, INCLUDING THE ANIMALS THAT NON-VEGANS USE/CONSUME.

    Third, I have this thing in my yard called a GARDEN where plant foods magically sprout from the ground, and I can eat them for free.

  3. If you were on the planet of Xarthon and the Xarthonians told you they would eat you if you did not kill and make love to the bodies of everyone in your family would you do as they say or use pixie dust to escape back to Earth?

  4. Well, you can't help being a Vegan if you're a Vegan, can you? I mean, unless you have enough money to do about it, but still, once a Vegan, always a Vegan...unless you lie about it, but that's no good.  And as far a tofu goes, I've been to a few buffets here and never even seen it on the table. And, rent prices here in Las Vegas have always been quite high, not much you can do about that.

  5. i was watching the news, and it showed that has meat gone up in the last year and its suppose to go up alot next year too, and dairy products are suppose to as well. so i don't think this is a logical scenario.

    peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are pretty cheap. and actually pretty healthy too. beans are cheap too with some noodles and im good.

  6. Well, I'm not vegan, I'm vegetarian.

    But I for one, would never stop being vegetarian, due to financial situations.

    There are other alternatives when you're vegan/vegetarian, besides tofu.

    I honestly hate tofu! and I've been vegetarian my entire life!

    But I would never, ever drop my morals on eating animals. That's like saying to a Christian "if the church started charging money to worship, would you become pagan?"

  7. I can't imagine a realistic situation like this that would cause me to support the meat/dairy industry.

  8. I don't need tofu.  I could live on beans and rice if I had to and I am prepared to if the economy gets much worse.

    This is another one of those ridiculous scenarios...and not very well-thought out.  The meat prices are going to go up too.

    Beans and rice...think beans and rice.  It's cheap and nutritious.

  9. That's a pretty sinister sight to have. If you see that coming, you had better flee to where food grows on the ground and it is yours for the picking. OK, maybe a little tilling and caring too.

    Seriously, if vegan food has to go through too many hands before it ends up on your table, it becomes too expensive. If this is the case, seriously consider moving to a better place where vegan food is closer by. I'm thinking of smaller towns where there are farms and gardens providing food for the local people.

    Part of veganism is about returning back to Mother Nature. We are supposed to be like healthy bacteria on the back of our Mother Earth and live in harmony with Her. Sadly enough, we are more like parasites or rampantly growing lawless cancer cells living in huge outgrowths of city-tumors. Too large cities are unhealthy, unnatural and inhumane. Stop the process of these growing tumors of large cities by moving to a smaller, friendlier and prettier town closer to Mother Nature. It is her busom where food comes from, growing by love, sunshine and rain in soil and air. These are in fact the five elements of Life, which really feeds us. We have these enter us in their purest form by eating them raw picked in a garden. The more it's processed, packed and transported, the more expensive it becomes and the less of these elements it can convey into us. And then it will be just matter, having nothing to do with Life.

  10. Um... well, meat will always be about 1000 times more expensive than vegetables.  Also, if you take $20 worth of vegetables retail from your garden, it would have cost you just about 10cents to grow all of that.  So, vegetables are cheap.

  11. Good god, this is an interesting new twist on the "deserted island" theme.

    There's no way for your scenario to come true.  Meat would have to go up if plants foods went up.  What do you think livestock eats?  Do you think meat magically makes it to market without oil?  If anything, meat would go up faster because it's more energy-intensive.

    But since you want to poke holes in my ethics or you wouldn't be trying to devise a scenario in which I'd compromise, I'll make it easy for you: I wouldn't let an animal kill me without trying to defend myself, I wouldn't choose to starve to death and I'd have to think long and hard before I'd allow myself to become homeless to preserve my principles.  Luckily, none of these hypotheticals bears any resemblance to reality and luckily I have ample room in my grocery budget.

  12. Things that are not processed will always be cheaper than something sent through a grinder etc.

    If I had to, I would start growing my own food. I do it for my guinea pigs and rabbits already.

    I didnt go vegan to save money. I went vegan because of cruelty, now its for health. I plan on going completely raw, but right now I am transitioning.

    I would have to let go of extras such as home and cell phone, tv, electricity... before I let my lifestyle go back to the way it was. Windows and candles can replace light.

    Prices will go up because of gas prices, especially if it isnt grown/made locally.

  13. You didn't think your question out very well.

    What do cattle, pigs, and chickens eat. They eat beans grains and veggies. If the price of these go up, the price of meat goes up too.

    It also take more energy to produce meat then it does veggies.

    This bio fuel craze will never last, since it isn't an economical alternative to oil. If we want more green energy we should be planting more windmills.  

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