
Vegans, what do you order when you go out to eat?

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in a non-vegan restaurant




  1. I'm suspecting you are not a Vegetarian, and are just trying to inflict pain and confusion....

    I am a Vegetarian, but eating a little meat from time to time has not really hurt me, and in fact I welcome my forays eating a little Mutton or Turkey, but it still means without a doubt I've still drastically cut back, which everyone ought to do.

      I'd probably order liver and onions and count it as my Vitamin B fix for the month....

  2. If I go to an Indian place, just about anything minus the ghee (clarified butter) or that special cheese they use in most things... they're really used to vegans, and more and more Indian people are going completely vegetarian not just lacto-vegetarian (at least those that I know).

    Baked potatoes, mixed salad, roasted veggies, vegetarian chili without the cheese, bean burritos without the cheese or sour cream (heavy on guacamole though - yum!). Breads dipped in olive oil and herbs at Italian places (just watch out for parmesan cheese sometimes).

    I get pad thai with tofu at tons of Thai places. My local Chinese restaurant has tofu up to the gills everywhere. I get mushroom tofu, or their broccoli and beanpod special, both vegan. General Tso's tofu, fried in a spicy egg and dairy free sauce, is another favorite of mine.

    Plain spaghetti with marinara sauce, if the server is aware of what vegetarian means (some people think fish sauces or cooking in the same pot or pan the meat was cooked in is no big deal, while for me it just happens to matter).

    I really don't order anything that isn't already on the menu. I'd rather eat nothing but roasted mushrooms and bread if I have to rather than inconvenience anyone wherever I go. I've yet to make anyone go to any real trouble for me, other than to check every now and then if their sauce is dairy free or whatnot. And frankly, it's no more demanding than someone with heavy food allergies.

    BTW, It's a stereotype that vegans like to trouble people wherever they go. In fact, I personally go out of my way to eat before I go if I worry there won't be vegan food and I constantly affirm that "I'm fine eating the veggies" if anyone asks. It's common courtesy to those I am with, since sometimes they just don't want to go to an all-vegetarian place. The flip side of the coin comes next time we go out - we choose Indian, or Chinese, or anywhere I can eat well instead. It has never been a problem, for family, for friends, or anywhere else. :) If you believe in yourself and are polite and respectful, you'll find a meal wherever you go.

  3. You know thats a good question. I haven't been out to eat anywhere yet cause i'm usually cooking for myself. I guess I would ask them if they had any vegan meals there and if they didn't there are always salads!

  4. Burger - sandwich - Plain Pasta - Veg rolls - Veg Pitzza - Corn flekes - Idli - Biriyani - Pulao - Pav Bhaji - Roti N Sabji - Cucumber - Curd rice spice - Sweet items like Gulab Jamun, Burfi, Penda, Snk like Dhokala, Chivada, Bhel, - - - Vada,

  5. fruit and Vegetable salads.

    Fries or onion rings, if they are fried in veggie oil.

    Backed potato with side order veggies.

    If your old enough draft beer - high in B12

  6. I went to a TJ Fridays and asked them to give me a portabella mushroom burger without the bun and burger. They topped it with grilled onions, tomatoes it was fantastic. Then I ordered a salad with oil and vinegar.

  7. Yesterday my husband took our family to Bob Evans for breakfast.  We took our own soy milk in cute little drink boxes with us.  

    My children ordered pancakes because they are not vegan.  My husband and I each ordered the topped oatmeal with brown sugar and pecans.  We also ordered a side of fruit.  I always put the bananas from my fruit bowl into my oatmeal with the other good stuff.  Then I give the remainder of my fruit bowl to my youngest.  My husband gives the remainder of his fruit to our older son.  We use our soy milk on the oatmeal as a finishing touch.

    Then my husband uses soy milk in his coffee and I use it in my tea.  

    We also eat at cheeburger-cheeburger.  They have a portobella mushroom salad and a sandwich.  It's delicious.  They grill the huge mushroom cap and top it with all of your favorites.  I like to go there because they can make chocolate cola:)

    We don't eat out very much though because I don't like people making my food for me.  I like my own hands to be the only hands that touch my food.  Contamination is something I worry about and I more confident when I make my family's food:)

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