
Vegans: Do you worry about your meat-eating peers and family members?

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Vegans: Do you worry about your meat-eating peers and family members?




  1. Yes, actually I do worry sometimes.

    My mother had a heart attack a few years ago. She didn't try to lose weight, exercise or eat healthier.

    Now she is a diabetic and I think it could have been prevented by her eating better. She now has a book by Dr. Neal Bernard that talks about regulating her diabetes the natural way - through food and without medication. It basically preaches a vegan diet and for some reason, she won't give it a try.

    I've read the book myself and the medical and scientific evidence makes perfect sense for her to change her diet. She "hates" being on meds and that would work out well for her.....but like someone else said, she must come to the vegan decision on her own.

  2. Nope.  I wish they would go veg, but people have to come to that decision themselves.

  3. Not usually . I do however get very grossed out when I think of what they are actually eating. I have never in my life had a piece of meat.

  4. I sometimes do; my partner actually started eating more meat (and very unhealthy cuts) when I became a vegan.  But worry doesn't help, and can strain a relationship, so I think it wise to lay off and accept the fact that I have as much a right to harp on their dietary choices as they do on mine.  They don't, so I return the favor.

  5. well;

    there are always gonna be the people who think being veganism/vegetarianism is stupid. there will be the people who flaunt meat in your face. && there will be those people who will thnk its cool and follow you.

    of course i worry;

    they are always asking why i became one; and telling me how i need meat.

    but i have learned not to care at all.

    they must be idiots becuase we are the ones that care about the animals/our world.

    its good you are choosing to have a healthy/caring lifetyle :)

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