
Vegans: How does it work with dating? Would you date someone who ate cheeseburgers and drank beer?

by Guest60724  |  earlier

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Vegans: How does it work with dating? Would you date someone who ate cheeseburgers and drank beer?




  1. NOPE... Because if you are dating them they would need to brush their nasty meat breath teeth. Even non vegetarians/vegans agree, beer breath sucks. Meat makes people have rancid bowel stench, not like otherwise it smells like roses, but it's more like a baby-p**p smell, less like 3 day old road kill... If that's not too much info for most people....

    Additionally, vegan/vegetarian lifestyles are usually based on core values stemming from respect of the lives of the creatures they choose not to eat. So there would be immense personality differences between a meat eater and a vegetarian/vegan.

  2. My boyfriend is non-veggie, although he likes a lot of vegan and vegetarian food. To me, it's not a big deal. I just don't kiss him right after he's eaten meat!

  3. it depends on the person.  i like someone for who they are not what they eat, but maybe what they eat is a part of who they are.  eating meat is something i don't really agree with.

  4. Well, I drink beer so that's really not a concern for me (a LOT of beers are vegan, including my favorites.)

    I have never dated a fellow veg*n.  I find that dating a meat eater is not terribly problematic as long as there is mutual respect involved.  Would I kiss someone who'd just downed a burger? No.

  5. Most beer is vegan...So yes I would.

    Lucky for me my fiance is vegan, but I would have stayed with him reguardless(I became vegan 2 years into our relationship).

  6. Vegans can drink beer.

    If you rule out meat-eaters as friend, lovers or whatever, you will be missing out on some intelligent, funny, clever and compassionate people, just as meat-eaters would be if they ruled out veg*ns

  7. Maybe date but never in a million years marry! Can't turn a meat-eater in to a house wife! Well a veg@n house wife!!

  8. Been there, done that!

    My last bf loved steak and red meat in general. I didn't have a problem with it as long as I didn't have to cook it.

    As far as the beer is concerned, I drink beer, so it's only an issue if a bf didn't partake.


  9. I'd like to say that I wouldn't date somebody who wasn't vegan, but I would be willing to date a meat-eater so long as they were open minded.

    I'm not going to lie though. I would probably try to get them to try a vegan diet, at least for a little while to see how they like it. Or at least I would if it was somebody I truly cared about.

  10. meat eater: how does it work with dating? would you date someone who ate carrots and cauliflowers and had epic smelly farts and a no good food in the cupboards or fridge?

  11. I married someone who was not vegan (he is now because he got jealous of my energy haha)

    I think it is a personal choice you have to make.

    If you are dating someone who isn't vegan though make sure they respect your beliefs. Lots of times nonvegans like to tease vegans and make fun of what they believe in and that is not cool. It goes two ways though if you decide to date a nonvegan don't constantly nag at them. Just live by example and hope they catch on.

  12. Not if they ate meat in excess.But someone that includes meat in their diet is fine.As long as she's not competing in cheeseburger eating contests its alright.

  13. yup. i just need a couple of minutes after that burger before i get close again. thankfully, my gf is switching to vegetarianism.

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