
Vegans I Consumed Something With Meat In It!!!

by Guest62387  |  earlier

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My mom made me cornbread she omitted the eggs and put soymilk in it instead. I just happened to find the box and read the ingrediants;

animal shortening and lard!!!!

I have not consumed any meat for years, I am so upset now.

I only ate 1 little piece, and I am so glad I found the box because I was getting ready to have another piece, a large piece.

I feel bad, and disgusted. My mom is so sweet she really tried, should I tell her or what?

What do I do? I don't eat dairy, poultry, meat, nothing like that, I feel so horrible, it was not intentional. I don't know I strive so hard (it's actually easy for me) to be a vegan, I read lables, I restrict from eating certain foods, and to have this happen is so bad!

Has this happened to you before?




  1. Relax! It happens to the best of us!

    You feel disgusted? Come on! Had you not read the label, you would have been completely clueless as to what you ate. Relax, and be happy you have a mom who makes cornbread for you and uses soy milk because she supports your diet!

  2. yes!!! today i was really hungry when i came home. i saw some leftover pizza on the fridge on ate some. it tasted kind of wierd. i looked under the cheese to find pepperoni! i felt horrible! if i would have had more in my stomach, i would have thrown up. i feel so bad, but it was an accedent!

  3. It's an accident. Don't sweat it. Just be sure to look at the ingredients beforehand next time.

  4. Being vegan is for yourself. Honestly, every vegan at some point or another has probably consumed animal products or bi-products. My advice? Just forget about it. You know you try hard and it doesn't matter what anyone here has to say about it. Your intentions are golden and that's the point, isn't it?

  5. You didn't go out and purchase this meat with the intent to eat it... thus you really didn't support the farmers at all and you didn't get a cow killed because that was a one off buy. Farmers slaughter based on steady buyers.

  6. Yeah, someone made me some BBQ potatoes and they used some chicken fat on them and didn't tell me. The potatoes tasted off and I asked about the ingredients. Since then I don't eat anything others make.

    Don't feel too bad about what happened. And do tell your mother just so that she is aware that mix has animal fat in it and won't give it to you again.

  7. OMG, I'm so sorry!!!  I hate when that happens!!

    Should you tell your mom?  Nah, I wouldn't.  It won't do anything to make her feel good and can only hurt her feelings or embarrass her.

    I would drink allot of water just to flush it out of your system.

    You may notice a slight change in your 'bathroom' routine.

    You should be fine in a day or two.

    Good for you for living the Vegan Lifestyle!!

    ~Carol Ann

  8. You are lost! The Veggie Pope will condemn you to eternity in a steakhouse! Get on your knees and pray for forgiveness, but I fear it's too late. Once you are polluted, it's curtains.

  9. relax, that is going to happen occasionally. Unfortunately.

    The important thing is not to beat yourself up for it, and just add that onto your No list. It's not like you just ate a whole chicken or anything, so just remember to read the ingredients before eating cornbread next time.

    It might be a good idea to tell your mom because she might want to make cornbread again sometime. Otherwise, you can just make up excuses for why you didn't eat it.

  10. lol dont trip over it, stuff happens sometimes now you know what you ate have meat in it

  11. Sweetie, chill out, it was an accident and accidents happen to all of us. Even though your a vegan your omnivore tummy knows what to do with lard, so your not poisoned or anything.  

  12. OH MY GOSH YOU'RE GONNA DIE! lol jk x] yes i've done that before. these eggrolls from chilli's had chicken in them and i had no idea that they did because they didn't even taste like chicken... lol

  13. Well, I'm a soy dog...

    You'll be fine, just wash it down with a pint of fruit smoothie. That'll neutralise any side effects...

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