
Vegans: So what is there left for you to eat?

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Since you eliminate so much





    If you are just vegan for the animals, and don't really care about health, check this out:

    there are SO MANY VEGAN FOODS, its crazy!

    but I am a raw vegan and I eat AMAZING combinations of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and i ALWAYS get a variety and I'm never bored with fruit... check this out --- for some amazing raw vegan recipes that have not been cooked or processed -- it will definitley open your mind to many great foods from nature!!! It will prove that being vegan (or raw vegan) is not BORING!

  2. I eat tons. Seriously. And I bake really great stuff all the time too. Cupcakes, cookies, breads, muffins, etc. I make stir fry and chili, lasagna, stuffed peppers.

    You name it, unless it's a carcass.

  3. everything else in the world that doesnt have animal products in it.

  4. Sigh is right.

    We need a smilie just for this question: a smilie turning its head back and forth with one hand on its face.

    "closed-mindedness" isn't the questioners fault,  people are conditioned to focus on what the powers-that-be put in front of us:  food "products" centered around animal products.   people don't even consider the actual foods anymore.

    We "eleminate" 2 things: muscle and milk.   And if you freed yourself from this mind-set, a whole new world opens up!

    Most omni's eleminate dozens of things, only because their so focused on the same burger, pizza, fries, bread....same stuff put together in different ways.

    cooder: You're violating the guidelines. ...and just plain rude.   And its wrong to then come back and say "veg*ns are the rude ones for ALWAYS reporting us."

  5. -Sigh-

    When will people ever learn that there is more to the world of food then animal products? It's sad how dependent our society is on milk, meat, cheese, and eggs.

  6. Fruits and Nuts (which is what most of them are)

  7. Everything else. Grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes. Bread, pasta, rice, hummus, oatmeal, faux meats, soy products.

    Here's an example of what a vegan can eat all day:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal with brown sugar, rains, and a cup of soy milk or orange juice.

    Mid-morning snack: Coffee with creamer (most creamers are already vegan) or a fruit cup.

    Lunch: Veggie sub or pasta with roasted vegetables and olive oil, chocolate soymilk, water, or fruit juice.

    Afternoon snack: Handful of mixed nuts and a V8, or some cruditee - raw carrots, celery, and tomatoes.

    Dinner: Vegan lasagna or tex-mex style rice and beans stirfry with soymilk.

    Dessert: Grilled pears drizzled with chocolate (many dark chocolates are vegan) and candied pecans.

  8. fruit chocolate fondue(vegan chocolate)

    baked potatoes, french fries




    vegan waffles

    vegan cookies




    pb sandwhiches

    jelly sandwhiches

    vegan nutella sandwhiches



    chili tacos

    nut bars

    fruit bars

    vegan muffins

    soy milk

    dried fruit

    fruit smoothies

    fruit juices

    vegan bread

  9. Are you that narrow minded to think that animal products are the only food available?   Grains, legumes, veggies, fruit, nuts offer endless possibilities.

  10. do you seriously not eat anything except meat and dairy? try opening your mind just a tiny bit

  11. Fruits, vegetables, bread (some)...oatmeal, soy milk, beans, then theres the special vegan food that some supermarkets sell like vegan burgers..etc.

    i actually used to think that if ur a vegan u have very little choice of food, but since i became one i realized that you actually have alot to eat

  12. Delicious food.

    What do you eat?

  13. food.. i mean doesnt everyone.

    do you honestly think that the only options you have are meat and dairy

  14. Fruits, vegetables... fruits...

    ... and nuts. Forgot about the nuts. :o)

  15. I can honestly say that since giving up meat and animal by-products, my diet is more varied and *way* more satisfying than when I ate meat. I've branched out to try a lot of different types of foods. Just in general, I eat:

    fresh fruit

    fresh veggies

    brown rice



    homemade vegan desserts

    cereal- cold or hot- (like steel cut oats - YUMMY!)


    black beans and rice (or black bean burritos!)


    veggie bacon

    veggie meatballs


    sweet potatoes

    soy ice cream

    veggie burgers

    rice/soy milk

    mixed nuts

    chips and salsa

    The list goes on....

  16. Well my friends

    *All veggies

    *All Fruits

    *All seeds

    *All nuts

    *Soy Milk


    *Fruit and veggie Juices









    *Peanut Butter

    And not to mention there are many things made expecially for veg@ns!! We have our own....

    *Ice cream


    *Rice crispy treats




    *mock burgers

    *mock chicken


    *and all kinds of things!

    If you don't believe me look at this wide selection!

  17. Fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, fungi, oils and everything made from them.  It's only limiting if you let it be.  Any dish you can possibly think of can be made vegan by eliminating or replacing the animal ingredients, with very few exceptions (meringue, which relies heavily on the unique properties of egg whites, for example.)  I can quite literally have anything I want: soups, stews, casseroles, stir fries, wraps, breads, cakes, ice cream, Indian food, Mexican food, Italian food, etc...

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