
Vegans/Vegetarians please help me!! =)?

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Okay so I'm a vegan I think it's really wrong to wear fur, leather ect.

So I was just cleaning my walls and I was by my lamp and I remembered something. The lamp is blue...with blue feathers on it!

Aughhhh!!! Should I take the lamp down or what? If I take it down my mom will probably say something about it and I'M NOT GOING TO LIE TO HER but she might make me put it back up. It may not seem like a big deal to some people but it is to me. There are ALLOT of feathers on the lamp. And I keep thinking of a dead bird! I don't even use it anymore so does it really matter? Help! =)




  1. I understand you not wanting dead animals around. I am a vegetarian and maybe one day will be vegan. Do you know that when you walk, talk, eat ( basically everything we do we are killing the living). So we have to live in this world. practicality is the answer I have for you. Not living off of any kind of meat , eggs or the by-products of these we are living a practical, compassionate life. Good luck to you.

                                                                      My best , Becky P

  2. it's probably not a bird, unless the lamp was really expensive - actually, i don't even think they'd use bird feathers then... if you still don't like it, get rid of it :)  

  3. if it's your moms lamp then i wouldn't touch it.  

  4. Well, you've already purchased it and have had it for a while, so you've already contributed to the company. I would say don't worry about taking it down, and are you sure they're real feathers? But if it really bothers you, then go ahead and take it down, it's at your discretion though.

  5. i 2 am a vegan i have been one since i was 4 and i am now 12

    if i were u i would just tell your mom and then go buy a cute NON feather lamp shade and do the feathers look real or fake cuz if they r fake then its ok

  6. go buy a really cute lamp shade and replace the feather one with the new one


  7. i DON'T think it's a real BIRD but if you have a problem with it and if it's bothering you then you should take it down. and if your mom tells you to put it back up say it just reminds you of a dead bird or something she should really understand you! my sister is a vegetarian and she would take it down because it makes her think of a dead bird too..

    hope i helped (:

    GOOD LUCK! (:

  8. well, there really is no harm in having it, whats done is done right? besides, chances are theyre not real feathers anyway=]

  9. just take it down and if she says something, remind her of your veganism and explain to her why you are a vegan and what you think of every time you look at the lamp. she will understand.

  10. you could hope that the bird wasn't killed for the feathers.

  11. Well, just be logical. You can't bring the birds back alive, so no sense in throwing away what you already own. This includes fur and leather. Just don't buy any more.

  12. Sweetie, they are fake feathers. It would be against fire code to use real feathers on a lamp, they catch fire to easily.  

  13. What good will you do animals by getting rid of the lamp?

    Does the lamp itself really bother you?

    Buying a new lamp means paying for the resources that it takes to make it, the labor and energy involved, and the transportation to get it to you.

    I suggest keeping it until it wears out, or trade it with a friend. Throwing it away doesn't do any good.

    If it's your room however it should be up to you if you have it out or not.

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