
Vegans: What other benefits have you noticed besides a better diet?

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We feel better and my kitchen is an easier place to prepare meals. Animal products created a lot of scrubbing problems after cooking. I used to use a weak chlorine water mix all over any areas exposed to chicken and other meats to kill salmonella germs from processing chicken recipes.

Have you noticed that since you quit eating meat and dairy that your kitchen is just easier to clean after meals?

Do you feel less worried about germs?

What other little benefits have YOU noticed besides a healthier diet after you switched to Vegan menus?




  1. I haven't been sick in all the time I've been vegan - not so much as the sniffles.  And I was the sort of person who had a cold every couple of months.

    I used to have horrible menstrual cramps, which debilitated me to the point where I'd miss at least a day of school or work every month.  Now, I don't get cramps at all.

    My acne has completely cleared-up.

    I don't get headaches anymore.

    My breath is nicer and my body-odor has changed - I don't need uber-strength deodorants anymore.

    I was anemic when I was eating animal flesh, and now that I'm vegan it has resolved - and I don't take vitamins.

    My asthma is better controlled now with less medication.

    Cleaning-up after cooking is easy.

    My concentration is better... I'm not sure if that's got to do with being so much more energetic, or what.

    In the first 2 months, I lost 10 pounds without even trying.

    That's all I can think of right now...

    But yeah, it's amazing all the positive effects veganism has had on me - NONE of which I could have predicted.  My doctor is pretty impressed.  :-)

  2. Yep, definitely noticed. I used to melt cheese on practically everything... not fun to clean up!

    I have more energy than ever. I no longer feel sluggish all the time, and I've been in a better mood.

  3. Yeah, everything is very easy to clean up. I also spend a lower amount of money at the grocery store because vegan food isn't that expensive, have a lot of energy, and don't feel sluggish ever!

  4. Yes!


    I have lost weight and toned up, my skin is clearer and I have more energy!!!

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