
Vegans and vegetablarians? why do they say you dont live as long as omnivores?

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its what ive heard, is it all a lie from the beef industry?




  1. That's not what I have been hearing!

  2. I think it's false.  However, vegetarians, especially the ones who do not eat ANY animal products including fish, dairy, eggs, will need to be far more careful about getting their full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and protein every day.  Humans are designed to be omnivores and we can easily get the nutrition we need to stay healthy through all the foods we eat as omnivores.  But vegetarians have to fulfill the nutrients they'd otherwise get from meat and animal products through other means which is harder to do.  Developing young folks and pregnant women need a lot of certain nutrients and if they don't get it, the body will start eating away at itself or will start failing.  I knew of a complete vegetarian (no fish, nothing from animals) who also didn't like legumes so during her pregnancy she didn't get enough protein and other nutrients, the developing fetus sucked up all the stuff and left nothing for the mom so she almost died during childbirth and then had to stay in the hospital for a month after giving birth because she was so frail.  When you cut out a major food source from your life, you leave yourself less "wiggle" room.  If the person is careful and learns what he or she needs to eat to meet the minimum daily requirements to stay healthy, then they ought to live a fine long life.

  3. Simple, it's the truth!

  4. I'm a vegitarian, but as I understand it this is like when they used to say that men are better at math then girls are.

    Eating meat or not eating meat had less to do with living long then you might think. The quality of the meat, what kind of meat (deer, cattle, elk, bison, free range, graising, penned) how often you eat it, what part or cuts you're eating, how it's cooked are all factor. It's not realistic to say that meat eaters or vegitarians live longer.

    Vegitarians and vegan can get very unhealthy if they don't manage their diet properly. Technicly potetoe chips are vegan, that doesn't mean you should eat them at every meal.

    Ultimatly it come down to the quality of the food almost more then what kind.

    What most people forget is that there are many high protein plants you can eat.

    Food is extreamly complecated. I personally don't eat meat because I don't like how animals raised for food are treated. They have very low nutitional value compared to wild game (which I will eat) mostly because of what they eat.

    Just eat what you know is good, and avoid the c**p.

  5. Vegetarians live longer, by 6-10 years.  This is mostly due to lower instances of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

  6. show me a scientific study that says that. i can show you dozens that say the opposite.

  7. The beef industry never said that.

    Who is "they"?

    I have never heard anyone say such a thing.   All I do know is there is a great reduction in the chance of many illnesses with a balanced vegetarian diet.

  8. i think the hardest part of eating vegetables are the wheelchairs!!!!   LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!   its a joke folks!!

  9. I'm a vegatarian, in my opinion it is a healthier path of life because you are not having the hormones from meats (an example) also there are more things that come with it. People do say that it is healthier for health reason but it all depends on whether you eat right. Also the ethicial treatment of animals

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