
Vegans only-How can I become a vegan and stop craving meat?

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I would like to become a vegan, but the thing is I am having a hard time straying away from meat. And the other thing is I don't have a variety of things that I can eat besides maybe burritos some vegatables and morning star products which are not very good to me. i am on a budget and can't afford the expensive things. I also was told by a nurse if i stop eating meat my body would shut down, that i needed some meat. how can i start and stop having the cravings for meat. Any vegans please help me on thi matter.




  1. honestly i went from a full blown meat eater to a total vegan one day.  and i really dont crave meat at all, if theres an alternative around. only if im hungry and everyone else is eating burgers do i even have an urge for meat, but then I just eat a bun and then go to burger king for a veggie burger when I leave (awesome, and $3 by the way).  you stop craving it once you make a committment. the only thing I do really that strays from it is eat chicken every once in a while, but that's only if there is absolutely nothing else to eat at a restaurant. and when I do eat chicken now, i get sick and my stomach hurts for mad long. so stop eating it and you wont crave it, youll get over it. and just because she's a nurse that told you that doens't meant shes a freaking genius and knows everything about food and health. see how it works for you. if your body shuts down, then eat meat but considering that's not going to happen, i wouldnt worry about it.

  2. If you're struggling, then don't just jump into being vegan. It's quite a dramatic change, you'd be better going vegetarian first.

    However, craving shouldn't matter if you care enough. Your principles should out-way your desires.


  4. well you can think of the pain and slaughter the animal had to go through to be here on your plate then maybe you'll lose your appetite for meat.

  5. I'm vegan and I eat mock meats that are made for vegan sometimes! They're good substitutes and they taste good depending on what brand I guess!

  6. Okay so basically all you have to do to stop your cravings is think about all the poor and hopeless animals that were being killed that you used to consume. Think about the slaughtering process of how factories get their nice slab of beef by chopping off the head of a cow and mushing it up until the life and flesh peels off of the animal. Imagine the helpless chicken that sees its owners butcher knife and chopps the head off of an innocent creature where the blood comes oozing down. Can you see the suffering in your head that is caused when you eat meat. So now I would like to see you have another craving for meat when you think of the poor hopeless animals that are being called to slaughter. These animals can be saved from teh gruesome agony and torture if you don't eat meat.

  7. Hmm, try vegetarian first, so you can get used to no meat, then go into no animal products.  

    I thought about not eating meat for a long time, and when ever I wanted meat I'd just think about exactly what it was...   I dunno what exactly to suggest.  Just think about what meat is, and the cute little animals you're eating.....

  8. MET ^^

    a couple times I broke down and ate meat but both those times I was hungry as heck and I was probably deficient in some vitamins and protein. Keep a good stock of foods around. Keep a few energy bars with you also in case you can't find anything appetizing veggie wise while you're out and about.

  9. If you can't give up meat, then you're not ready to be a vegan, or even a vegetarian.  Maybe you should try a more moderate approach.  There are books available about slowly transitioning to a vegetarian diet.  Then a vegan diet is the next step.  

    It sounds like you need to educate yourself more and perhaps learn to cook.

    I have never had a meat craving, myself, but I do have cravings for other things that are bad for me (hello, french fries...).  The longer you go without, the more your cravings go away.  If you avoid it, then you are unlikely to crave it.

    You just have to be tougher.  Alcoholics crave alcohol.  Drug addicts crave drugs.  I quit smoking a year and a half ago and I still crave cigarettes, but I have to make the right choice for my health, so I just tough it out.

  10. Morning Star isn't the only brand.

    There are many other soy/mock meats out there.

    Just go to your nearest Whole Foods market; they'll have it all!

    Also,, despite the roomers, is a good organization.

    They have lots of videos you can watch when you're tempted.

    I don't think you'll want to eat meat after you watch a pig being slaughtered, would you??

    :D <3 !

  11. if you're picky and craving meat all of the time, you're not ready for this change. i'm sorry, but it's the truth.

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