
Vegans out there!!! Whats the wierdest thing youve been asked/told?

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One of my favorites is "so you dont eat meat?"

Just wondering cause ive gotten some REALLY wierd!




  1. That high cholestrol is good for your health.

    Therefore it's good to eat meat.

    Talk about twisted, self-serving logic, eh?

  2. "God made animals so we can eat them"

    "They are going to die anyway, so they died for nothing."

    "Your eyes will sink into your skull if you dont eat meat".

  3. HAHAH :)


    "How do you live on eating trees?"


    "Your skin will turn pale green, ya know?"

  4. Someone stuck meat in my face and screamed "MEAT!"

  5. My friend who is a vegetarian asked me "Why dont you drink milk? Don't you know they if cows aren't milked they'll explode?"

    I laughed at this because she was completly serious. NO COWS DO NOT EXPLODE IF YOU DONT MILK THEM. Cows make milk for their babies, no one else. Humans take away their babies as an excuse to milk them. The worse thing for a cow is that they can't produce anymore milk.

  6. What is a vegan

  7. LOL, when I was dating my husband, the first Thanksgiving I was at their house, my future mother-in-law, (bless her) said "Oh, you're a vegetarian, that's okay, I'm making turkey, not ham".

    She's now a devoted vegan, thank you very much ;). So are two of her kids!

  8. "You can't eat peanut butter can you?

    You can? Really?

    It doesn't have anything in it?"

  9. Two of the weirdest are the insistance that vegans don't use petroleum products and/or yeast.  Um, yeast is not an animal and petroleum comes from organic material that is millions of years old so there's no suffering or exploitation involved.

    I got the "you'll turn green" one about 20 years ago.  I'm still waiting.

  10. This is my 200th question answered :)

    My mom's friend found out I was going vegan and after explaining to her that I don't eat dairy, she asked "So do you eat cheese?"

    I pretty much was thinking, "Isn't cheese dairy?"

    Another time I was at a restaraunt with a big group of friends and one of my friend's friend found out I was a vegan. She was clearly very upset. She gave me a really dirty look and said in a deep voice "YOU'RE A VEGAN". It was very strange. I was like "Yes, yes I just told you that". Haha :)

    Good times, I love it when other people are so ignorant. And I love the look on people's faces when they find out not only do I not eat meat, but I don't eat dairy or eggs either. They're like "OMG what do you eat!!". Good times :)

  11. I'm not a Vegan but nearly Vegan.  I eat a wee bit of eggs and a little dairy!  

    Some meat eater told me this weird remark

    " You belong in the hospital if you don't eat meat.. sicko!"   Isn't that weird? I think those meat eaters those that say such c**p are the ones that belong in the hospital!

  12. "Do you want some meat?"

    "Why can't you eat gelatin?"

    "You don't eat meat?!?!"

    "Why can't you have cheese?"

    "You need meat to get protein!"

    "Veg@ns are weird!"

    "Are you a vegetarian?"

    "Why can't you eat Skittles?"

    "Why can't you eat that chocolate?"

    "You'll be back eating meat!"

    And the list goes on and on and on!!

  13. Various thing that friends/family have said to me:

    "I don't see how you can be Italian and vegan."

    "I don't know how you find anything to eat"

    "So what's wrong with dairy (I tell her about the cruelty in the dairy industry) Oh, that's just BS. I doubt anyone would be so cruel. No, no, no, you're just making that up."

    "You're an un-evolved monkey. One day you'll grow a tail and live in the zoo"

    "You're just think about meat the wrong way. Don't think of it as animal flesh, think about it as yummy food"

    "Soon you'll turn into a vegetable. Better eat some meat so that doesn't happen"

    "You don't eat meat? What do you eat? Grass?"

    "Your vegan? What the f*** is wrong with you?"

    "Couldn't you just eat a little piece of chicken or fish. They don't mind being killed"

    "I'm certain that you secretly want meat and steal my chocolate at night"

    "I'll give you 5000 dollars is you eat meat, then we'll celebrate by having chicken schnitzel (I say no) You're insane"

  14. "Do you eat sand?"

    Lol, the person who asked me that is surprisingly smart--

  15. well, i've been a vegetarian for over a year, and some of the weirdest comments my family has made consist of

    " your bones will collapse from not eating meat"

    "meat won't hurt you"

    and " not eating meat will make you die younger"

  16. All



    Here are some of my favorites:

    "The animal is going to die anyway!"

    "Where do you get your protein?"

    "Where do you get your calcium?"

    "But don't you miss meat?"

    "What about fish?  Do you eat that?"

    "I tried going vegan once, but it didn't work because I need protein."

    "But it's the circle of LIFE!!!"

    "But we're at the TOP of the food chain!"

    "We have canine teeth for a reason, you know."

    "We come from hunter'gatherer societies."

    "Our bodies were made to digest meat."

    "You're vegan?   Hahaha!  I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE eating meat!  Haha.  I just LOVE eating dead bloody innocent animals!"

    "Tofu is gross!"

    And then, after all this talk about how stupid I am for being a vegan, they have the balls to say this:

    "I don't mind vegans, as long as they don't push their beliefs on me."

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