
Vegas Lights Shut off?

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I was watching some show about a year ago, and they were mentioning important events in history, and one of them was the Las Vegas lights shutting off.

The whole strip's light completely shut off, and they were left in the dark.

I'm not talking about the recent one that happened in March 2008 in Luxour, Excalibur, and Mandalay Bay.

Does anyone have news, videos, or pics of that?




  1. For thie first time ever the lights on the Vegas Strip were turned off for the filming of Hiney I shrunk the kids dont know about any other  

  2. YES ! i was there may 5th ,2007 at 3:00 in the morning i have a photographic memory of what happened the hilton grand vacation club was almost on fire there were no lights in the hallway which was a safety violation of the nevada law  i am from wisconsin and we had to break the door down about ... so we could get through the hallway and the cops never came up to us to help us the woman cop was laughing in the hallway and should be fired and my dad complained to the manager about it so i was there and i was so mad that it happen and i still remember that since may 5th ,2007 was that on cnn ,cnbc, msnbc las vegas news and etc?  

  3. Frank Sinatra died at 10:50 pm on May 14, 1998 the next night "The Strip" was dimmed for a minute.

  4. The lights have gone out because some driver hit a power transformer or for a short time to honor a person who had recently died like to honor people for 9/11.  

    Casinos have a backup generator for essential should the power go out, but that does not include the neons outside.

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