
Vegas clubs pool parties - do they all card strictly?

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going to vegas with my GF who is 20. i'm over 21. is 21+ over a super strict hard and fast rule that all the clubs, pool parties, etc in Las Vegas follow?

she's very attractive (I say that not to brag but because in LA she has gotten into over 21 places before). so what's the deal?

anyone gotten into any 21+ places in Vegas despite being under 21???

ALSO: will anyone "card" her for drinking a beer on the strip (outside, in the street)?




  1. Don't know about the pool parties, because I'm not one of the "pretty people" :) but I would think they'd card, as they wouldn't want to get in trouble by letting in underage people to drink and get drunk.

    As for the Strip, trust me, you're going to see plenty of drunk people walking along there, especially later at night/early morning.

    One time I was walking down the Strip with friends and there were these young-looking women, and one was holding onto her friend's arm, keeping her up as they walked down the street. That friend was completely drunk.

    There are so many people on the Strip, at all times of day and night, unless your friend's falling down in the street, stealing stuff, causing a ruckus, no one's going to card her while she's walking down the street.  

  2. Unfortunately, the strip will card harder than any other area in America on age.  This is monitored by the Gaming Commission and so many tourist dollars depend on it that they will enforce it almost to extreme.  Get with some locals or get off-strip a little.  Your Girl Friend needs to be the designated driver, and all should work out well for you.  There is a little known service in Vegas known as VIP service.  Check online with some of the VIP placement options.  You didn't say if only you and your girlfriend were going alone, if there are several of you couples going you may also explore the "Bottle Option" which will open some doors for you.  If you have not already picked your hotel I suggest the Palms, where you may just be able to crash someone's pool party.  Another option is Hooters, where I think as long as she does't drink she may be ok.

  3. Clubs in Vegas are insanely strict. They card 60 year olds.This is mainly because they have such a large amount of people in their early 20s and younger that try to get in. Many underage. As the other person said, some places even swipe your ID for validity and warrents.

    But pool parties are different. There are alot of different varieties of them so its hard to say exactly in your case. But I can tell you that you will have a better chance getting her into something like that.

    And just for the record, her looks have almost no impact. If she was a celbrity or filthy rich mabye then, but just being a hot girl doesnt get you into a club underage. In fact sometimes it even makes her noticable, thus more likely to get checked. Where as other people may blend in and not get noticed in certain situations.

    And to your last point--- cops dont just walk up to people on the streets and ask for ID, as long as they dont look 12. At least I have never heard of it.  There are just too many people, and too many things going on to ask everyone on the street for ID. So yes, she could easily walk down the strip with a beer.

  4. I had made a similar suggestion to another underager before...partying @ pool.

    Which hotel are you staying at? If it' one of the ones that host a pool party like say Palms or MGM Wet Ultra lounge you should be fine. When you check in you'll get keys and such and that really should be all you need to access pool. The hotels know that the pool is one of the amenities when selecting hotel so...they WANT you to have access to it. Being she is an attractive girl I think her hotel key will be enough to get her in to pool area. You may however need to get(order) her drinks for her or heck even bring some down from the room.

    As I told the other under ager I think you'll have an easier time blending in @ the pool than trying to get into an actual club.

    Same thing for walking the strip or even in the casino. Although I wouldn't recomend she try to actually order the drink herself or gambling (thus bring attention to self)

  5. Yes they will card.  Not only will they card, but they will also swipe it, to make sure it is not fake and that you're ID does not come up red.  Red means that you have a warrant, and if there is a cop at the door they will take you in.  Vegas  is strict, you have a better chance at the pool.  Vegas has an open container law, that says you can carry liquor on the street.  So if you bring your own, you can walk the strip and no one will bother you.

  6. Yes because the casino does not want to lose their license

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