
Vegatarians eating seafood?

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How can one call themselves a vegatarian even if they eat seafood?

btw i am not a vegatarian




  1. Someone asks this question anywhere from 2 to 3 times a day.

    Vegetarians do not eat animals.  Fish are animals.  Therefore, vegetarians do not eat fish.

    What is so confusing about that?  It seems like common sense to me, which is a misnomer because it is apparently not common.

  2. Some vegetarians are vegetarians because of health reasons, not animal issues, and seafood does not upset them.  Others find it offensive to eat animals but not fish.

  3. Fish are Friends

    Not Food


  4. They are not 100% vegetarian. It is called Pescovegetarian:

    A made-up name for an omnivore who consumes dairy products, eggs, and fish, but does not consume other animal flesh. Vegetarians don't eat animals.

  5. Agreed, they really shouldn't call themselves vegetarians.


    LOL, how do I get a thumbsdown for this honest answer.  I'm not saying anything is wrong with eating fish, it's just that the term vegetarian is self-explanatory.  Here's a breakdown of terms used.

    Vegan/Vegetarian: does not eat meat or animal products.

    Lacto-ovo- vegetarian: can eats dairy products and eggs, includes sub-categories of lacto-vegetarian and ovo- vegetarian

    Pescatarian:  also eats fish, dairy and eggs.

    I had a friend who claimed to be vegetarian and he ate fish and white meat chicken.  No doubt it's a very healthy diet, but where do you draw the line?  Why is it so important to call yourself a vegetarian?

  6. i'm not sure.  most vegetarians i know actually do eat seafood.  i do not. but if i HAD to eat meat for some strange reason i would start with seafood.  it could just be their reasons for going veg and where they draw the line.  like they figure the fish aren't really suffering so it's not a big deal.  i constantly, everytime i say "i dont' eat meat" or "i'm a vegetarian" get asked about seafood!!!!  so i wish that if people are "vegetarian" but eat seafood they would point out they are not technically vegetarian than.

  7. There not vegetarians! There what we like to call Pescatarians.

  8. NO, to anything that has eyes or brain in it.

    Is it pretty clear?

  9. They are not vegetarians.  Vegetarians don't eat flesh and fish is flesh.  They are posers.

  10. Some people do, but they really shouldn't.  They aren't vegetarians.  They can call themselves pescetarians if they want.

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