
Vegatarians only! How do you feel about....?

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I don't mean to offend anyone, and I have nothing against you all, but how do you feeel when animals such as lions and wolves kill and eat other animals? I mean they have to do it in order for them to survive. Also if you were in a situation where an animal was about to attack you and a hunter is close by, would you just let the animal kill you or would you let the hunter kill them?

I'm doing a Biology assignment on what animals eat, and I wanted to know how you felt about the situation. Again, I mean no harm, nor to offend anyone, so please nice answers only.




  1. well in the wild it is differnt...its nature!  What most vegetarians dont like is HOW the animals are killed(i am one)  the torture and abuse they go through and so on....and if your life depended on it i think you might let a hunter kill it, your not eating the animal. hope i helped!

  2. Predatory animals are living naturally and following their instincts. They kill out of necessity.

    While the killing of prey animals is unpleasant, it is not immoral, and it would be wrong to interfere in this natural behavior.

    Humans have the capacity for rational thought, ethics, and thanks to advanced agriculture have no need for meat in our diets. It's an option and a luxury, not a necessity. Eating meat causes massive unnecessary suffering for animals, and severe environmental consequences. For those reasons, it's unethical for anyone who takes responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

  3. Killing for survival is fine, I fact I think it would be pretty stupid to let the lion kill you just because you believe in animal rights, is basically a survival instinct, but you have to keep in mind that there are vegetarians like me that do not eat meat mainly for health reasons.  I'm pro animals and giving them the right treatment meaning they dont need to be tortured when they are going to be killed.  But I also belive that nature intended for humans to eat animals.  It is the cycle of life.

  4. If we tried to stop lions and wolves from from killing other animals, it would disturb the balance and cause more animals to suffer and to an even greater extent than usual.

  5. Animals pick at road kill that a car ran over, doesn't mean I have to.

    Animals reproduce on public, doesnt mean i have to.

    cats use a litter pans, and dogs poo on the sidewalk as people walk around them, i dont do these things.

    Why? b/c I am human and I am better than that and I know better. we dont need meat to survive, and I am sure the chicken on ur plate wasnt tryin to attack someone, or the cow, or the pig. they were in a farm, waiting to be slaughtered and being fattened up very quickly.

    as for letting the hunter kill the animal, yes i would let him. its life or death,but animals people eat do not normally attack people and the only way the human can survive is to kill it and chow down. I can survive in this modern society without consuming rotting carcasses, or killing innocent animals for my selfish tastebuds.

  6. I don't think there's anything wrong with killing for survival.  

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