
Vegeatrians do you take protein supplements?

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Hi. I just become a vegetarian 2 months ago. Should I be taking a protein supplement?




  1. Nope

    just eat lots of beans.

  2. no, if you eat a healthy balanced diet you don't need any supplements.  a lot of meat eaters get too much protein actually. so as long as your eating other protein sources you should be ok.

  3. im not, but my friend became a vegetarian last year and she got really really sick from not eating meat because she wasnt taking a supplement. id highly recommend asking your doctor/pharmacist for something that will work for you.

  4. No, but beware, our body not absolutely require excess protein...not to become an obese vegetarian in making.

    This funny picture is a classic example…

  5. you don't have to. as long as you are eating right you shouldn't have to there are a ton of foods that have protein you can eat. like beans and nuts there a great source of protein.Plus there are soy products you can buy.

  6. no i have been a vegetarian a long time and what you need is complete protein.

    beans + grains

    grains + nuts or seeds

    nuts or seeds + beans

    any of these will make a complete protien and that is what is needed personally after many years of eating this way i mix and match things such as soy milk and gluten or grumbles

    grumbles are a complete protien

    1 cup bulgar wheat

    1 cup water

    1/2 cup walnuts

    1/2 tsp salt

    puree last three ingredents till you make a milk

    add in a pan with 1 cup more water and bring to a boil slowly

    cook about 20 min stir often to keep from sticking

    remove from heat and put on a cookie sheet bake 200 degreees for 4 - 5 stir ever half hour to get mousture out quicker.


    put in a freezer bag and freeze until ready to use

    use in the place of burger in sloppy joes or other burger recipes ( it will not have to bee cooked because it is not meat)

    but you may need to add water to rehydrate it or personally i use tomato sauce to rehydrate it to add flavor use as a spegetti sauce or lazagna sauce or sloppy joe mix for your  bread.

    i love it all these ways

  7. i don't

  8. i have been a Vegetarian for 3 years now! and i take centrum once a day! But i eat a lot of soy burgers which helps with protein!

    Even when i used to eat meat i took vitamins!

  9. I do use protein powder in smoothie, but it isn't really necessary. I just use it to make sure that I'm getting plenty of protein. Vegetarians don't need a protein supplement if they are eating right.

  10. I eat a balanced vegetarian diet, so I don't need any suppliments.

  11. No protein supplements necessary.  You just need to be educated about your choice.  There are a TON of foods out there that are high enough in protein.  Beans are a great source of protein.  Tofu, tempeh, and textured vegetable protein (TVP) will also do nicely.  There are a number of books that are user friendly, quick-guide references for keeping a healthy and balanced vegetarian regiment.  Don't be a pasta veggie-head.  I know so many folks who (back in the college days) were trying very hard to be vegetarian, but due to lack of resources, and horrid cafeteria options, ate pasta ALL the time.  Ugh.  That can lead to some rotten health.  Everything is moderation.  Try this chapter 5 of its e-book, it discusses the nutritional balance of vegetarian life.  It's a goodie.

  12. yes its called food

  13. No, I don't.  There should be NO reason to need supplemental protein if you're eating a healthy diet.  Protein is everywhere.  Unless you're not consuming enough calories or really trying to survive on nutritionally empty junk food, getting enough protein should be a no brainer.  And getting too much, which would be entirely possible if you're taking supplements, is hard on your body and your health.  Most meat eaters in the developed world get far more than they need, so cutting out a little isn't going to harm you (and might actually be good for you.)

    You'll find lots in soybeans and soy foods like tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp and faux meat products.  In addition to soybeans, all other legumes are a good source, too, including all sorts of beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter and chickpeas.  Whole grains are an excellent source.  If you haven't already, try quinoa; it's not only a complete protein, but an excellent source of iron and calcium (and is as easy to cook and versatile as rice.)  Nuts and seeds are also great protein sources. Fruits don't have much, but vegetables, especially dark green ones, do.  On a per calorie basis, brocolli has significantly more protein than beef.  Finally, vegans can get plenty of protein from plants alone, but any eggs and dairy foods you eat as a vegetarian just add to your total.

    I have been veg*n for 21 years and I literally never think about protein unless I'm answering a question like this one.

  14. i dont.

  15. I don't take protein supplements as such.

    I do take iron tablets and vegetarian omega 3 capsules.

  16. I was a vegetarian weight lifter who took 2-3 scoops of Whey every day. (At 110 calories and 24 grams of protein per scoop.)

    However, I wasn't getting enough high quality protein every 2-3 hours, like my body needs. So when I stopped being a vegetarian, my gym results increased.

    Now I still use Whey, but most of my protein comes from meat, and it makes a big difference.

    If you're not a weight lifter, I would still buy some Whey protein, and you can just make the same 5 pound container of it last a lot longer than I did! (You could use half a scoop every now and again, just to make sure you're not deficient.)

    I buy Optimum Nutrition Whey from

    EDIT: Vegetable protein is not high quality because of the lack of some essential amino acids. For example, beans may have protein, but it's not high quality. You can learn to make food higher quality by finding other foods that compliment it.

    For example, rice and beans together gives a more complete protein.

    DON'T just count grams of protein if it's vegetable sources. Make sure it's complete protein. (Whey protein powder is complete. You don't "need" it, but it can help.)

  17. no, but you should pay attention to protien. it really isnt that hard to get that you would need a suppliment, just be aware of what has protien and what doesnt, and make sure you get some.

  18. No.

    Most people get plenty of protein.  I do, on occasion, have to take an iron supplement (not just because I'm vegetarian, though).  If you're vegan, you probably need to supplement B12, but if you're vegetarian you shouldn't need a supplement.

  19. I am a vegetarian, I have been for years, I never took any kind of pills or supplements, as long as you eat right as a vegetarian there should be no problems. I also eat soy based foods every day which really helps.

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