
Vegemite Vs Peanut butter?

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which one is better.....personally i prefer vegemite




  1. Peanut butter!

  2. peanut butter. vegemite should go back to the pits of h**l from whence it came.

  3. Chunky peanut butter all the way my friend. Or smooth with Honey Nut Cheerios. Dip that sucker in milk and it's delicious. :)

  4. well i can safely say that it is most defiantly peanut butter i have never tried Vegemite but we have marmite which sounds similar and good old Billy Connelly ranted on about how he loves the stuff so it must be good.

    as for them both together sounds interesting i however prefer french fries and ice cream maby it was the bad acid trip but to this day when ever the time arises to take a trip to the local MacDonald's i always most certainly pull a crowd but i recommend you try it u Will be most supprised i know i was.

  5. Vegemite mate!

  6. vegemite, i love it with cheese. yum!

  7. Peanut butter only! No other choice!

  8. I love both!!!! don't have a favorite depends what mood i'm in. never tried it together i'll have to try it.

  9. Peanut butter.

    Whoever's giving thumbs down to everyone who peanut butter does NOT show they're a true Aussie. Respect other people's views!

    You can be a great Aussie without doing or eating the 'typical' things. It does not mean anything if you use it to label others.

  10. I like them both, but vegemite wins hands down.  there is nothing as luxurious as a Saturday brekki with toasted cheesebread and vegemite.

  11. Im a happy little Vegemite!!

  12. Vegemite is my fav!

    Also not as much fat as peanut butter either,

  13. Vegemite. Peanut Butter is disgusting.

  14. Vegemite thinly on toast.

    Peanut Butter on sandwiches.

  15. vegemite has to be better         peanut butter is american s**+ t in australia we call it peanut paste

  16. We're happy little vegemites as bright as bright can be

    We all enjoy our vergemite for breakfast, lunch and tea

    Our mothers say we're growing stronger every single week

    Because we love our vegemite

    We all adore our vegemite

    It puts a rose on every cheek.


  17. Vegemite!

  18. It depends how old the bread is! Peanut butter on fresh bread or vegemite with butter if i'm toasting.

  19. Vegemite!

    I have never really liked peanut butter. I dont know why but it makes me gag. Vegemite is good with cheese and I don't get why americans hate it. but vegemite all the way.

    I'm Aussie too and i have never heard of peanut paste...? lol

  20. Vegemite, definitely, i hate peanuts and peanut butter, well that just tastes worse

  21. Vegemite especially on hot toast with lots of butter.

  22. Combine the two! mm vegibutter lol!.... might try it one day = P

  23. I love Peanut butter I do not no what Vegimite is

  24. If it wasn't for vegemite I just may have starved when I was a kid! Seriously.

    Although I like peanut butter in food (stir frys, biscuits), etc. I just can't accept the idea of putting it on bread.  The idea of something sweet (like nutella - what's that about??) on bread is just repulsive to me.

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