
Vegetable Gardening!!?

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Hey! Well, i have a question about vegetable gardening, but first I'm going to tell you all the things I'm growing just in case it affects your answer in some way. I'm growing: Zucchini, Cucumbers, Jalepenos, herbs (varied), Tomatoes,and Bush Pole Beans. My question is about my cucumbers and Zucchini. I have realized that they both become huge and it kind of takes over. Can you thin them and cut some stems off of them to make more room for other veggies? Thanks for your help!




  1. don't trim it- it won't produce if you do that- if you have planted it in a spot too close to other veggies it will take over and crowd the other veggies out- gingerly dig it up and move it the sooner the better- it may look a little scraggly after the move but give it plenty of water and sun and it should recover just fine.

  2. Don't trim the plants.  You'll reduce your crop and the open wounds will invite disease.

    Instead, grow the vine plants vertically.  The cucumbers will grow even better on a trellis, and vining zucchini varieties will also climb somewhat.

  3. The cukes can be planted in with other things like green beans or carrots or even tomatoes or  your pole beans...whatever. They will grow up on a fence like the pole beans which makes them easy to pick too.  The zucchini is like a big bush (mine is anyway) and don't think you want to cut them back or you may kill the main plant.
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