
Vegetable soup..... OF DOOM!!?

by Guest64111  |  earlier

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I was eating my soup and I was looking at the can while eating.

dun dun DUN.

The first ingredient - BEEF BROTH!

I had no idea.. I feel so guilty :(

Has this ever happended to you?

Also, I think on petas accidentally vegan list they accidentally put blue bonnet margarine on it because it contains whey powder. (random lol)




  1. We keep kosher, and won't eat meat unless it is slaughtered in a kosher manner.  

    Every once in a while we'll order soup at a restaurant and find out it has beef stock *after * we've eaten it.  My wife, who is more hooked into the kosher thing than I, gets visibly ill.  I just stop eating it.  

    We'll eat dairy, but not during a meat meal.  There are several types of "non-dairy creamers" that are certified as dairy by the kosher authorities because they have casein in it.

  2. yeah i have done that. sometimes i'll swear i read the label at the store and when i get it home i'll notice that. soup is tricky sometimes.

  3. I never prepared myself food and had that happen. But once someone made me a smoothy, told my it was "totally vegan" and I ate it. Then I actually ran a fever and got nauseated, and puked. At this point my so-called friend admits she used vanilla ice cream, not soy milk. I actually have an IGG allergy to milk so it makes me ill. And I felt really angry that she did it. I didn't feel guilty, but I did feel foolish for not tasting it. I mean, I said "it tastes like vanilla.". And she said "oh its silk soy milk" and I believed her. Very foolish.

    I wouldn't feel too bad if I were you. No one is perfect, but I understand feeling yucky. I would feel that way too. I felt guilty and bloated so I fasted the next day.. but that was mostly because my tummy was so angry with me, not because I am that ethical. LOL.

    Out of curiosity: What soup brand? Just so I know to avoid :)

  4. A.  Why should you or anyone else feel guilty about doing something if they had no idea they were doing it?

    B.  It's kind of a waste to give it to the dog.  Then you have to find something else to what's the lesser evil here, eating something you'd already planned on eating anyway that happens to have beef in it (oh well, read the label next time) or being wasteful and opening another can of soup or what-have-you?

    I'm not jumping on you about this, I'm just saying it seems kinda silly to freak out about soup.

    *Edit* Fair enough =)

  5. Cream of mushroom soup, soup in hand, first ingrediant chicken broth, where does chicken come into cream and mushrooms?

  6. Always look at the ingredients, my dear.  A lot of "vegetable" soups have animal-based broths.  And even (or maybe especially) if PETA says something is accidentally vegan, read the label.  I used to eat Lemonheads because PETA said they were vegan.  They're not; they have beeswax.

    Better yet, get Amy's soups; they're always vegetarian and usually vegan.

  7. I always look to see what's in soup.  Many soup have chicken or beef broth.  Campbell's chunky veggie soup's base is water.

    PETA's list has Blue Bonnet Light on it..not the regular Blue Bonnet

  8. Yes, you have to read the labels.  Just because something is vegetable does not make it vegetarian.

  9. ALWAYS read the labels first, that is what I have learned. Things like that do happen if you don't because they put meat in the places you'd least expect it! It's terrible!

    I've come to the conclusion that if it doesn't have an ingredient list (especially at restauraunts) I'm not eating it!

  10. I've been vegan for 5 years and it happened to me recently.  I'm so good at reading labels but somehow I missed chicken broth.  I was upset but I've learned not to freak out and get grossed out because after all I used to eat it.  I just try to do better.  When I had only been vegan for a year a sub place snuck some tuna underneath all my veggies.  It looked like they had started to put it on and then just scraped it off.  You would have thought that the world ended for me.  I was so upset.  But now I just move on.

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