
Vegetable theme for preschool class--any stories?

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I am about to have a Vegetable theme for one of the summer classes that I'll be teaching. I cannot think of any vegetable story to Can anyone give me ideas on what books or stories about vegetables can I read to my students for our story time ? Thanks.




  1. Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

    You can also go to the local library and the librarian should be able to help you out. That is how I get a lot of great new reads for my class.

    Have fun!!

  2. Vegetable Garden by Douglas Florian

    Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert

    Eating the Alphabet  by Lois Ehlert

    Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons

    You can also get ideas for activities and lesson plans at websites for teachers.  Also, go to the library or teacher supply store and get a copy of Mailbox magazine.  It's filled with ideas.  

  3. Jack and the Bean Stalk

    The Princess and the Pea

    Maybe some Veggie Tales vids?

  4. stay away from the fairy tales if possible but all of the other books are very good to those add:  The Carrot Seed, The Red Barn or other farm stories so they know where the vegetables are grown, and remember to check out the multicultural books too some are really great and have English sub-titles

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