
Vegetarian- Fish/No FIsh?

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Do you think that vegetarians should still eat fish or should not eat fish??




  1. i personally don't cuz i'm allergic, so no problem there.

    i think it depends on why the person is vegetarian. ethically, obviously it's a no, cuz it's an animal, no way around that.

    but fish has a lot of health benefits, and if a person is vegetarian in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, he may or may not choose to eat fish.

    i don;t care what ppl choose either way.

  2. Still eat fish?   Vegetarians never ate fish.  We don't eat dead animals or anything that comes from them.  It's always been that way.

  3. i say no fish. :)

    sorry but i don't like when people ask me if i eat fish

    i am a vegetarian, fish are animals aren't they?


  4. Oh my lord...This is not even a real question.  It's not whether they should or not.  People who eat fish are not vegetarians at all and never will be.  Fish are not plants.  Fish are living animals and under no circumstances do vegetarians eat fish.

    So many people are confused about this issue because of the people who call themselves vegetarians and still eat fish.  To them:  Thanks for confusing everyone!  AND you are not a vegetarian if you eat fish!!!!

  5. No. There's no form of vegitarian that says you can eat fish lol Or else you shouldn't call yourself one. Most consider it meat.

  6. If it has a face or a mother...dont eat it

  7. Vegetarians do not eat animal flesh and Merriam-Webster says no such thing. M-W refers to a vegetarian as a herbivore:

  8. I don't understand why this is up for debate.

    The Vegetarian Society says vegetarians don't eat fish (or any other animal), and they are generally credited with inventing the word "vegetarian" in 1847. Why isn't that good enough?

  9. I think that they shouldn't.

    I don't.

  10. NO FISH if youre a vegetarian

    but if ur a pescetarian, then you are able to eat fish and thats ok too :)

  11. i think vegetarians should eat cows and chickens, but then again I am biased

  12. Merriem Webster says yes

    the "unbiased" vegetarian sources says no

    Whether you should or should not eat fish is entirely up to you..

    Labels should describe what you are, not dictate how you should live... Most people  don't give a d**n if they are vegetarian or omnivores or whatever.. they just live..

  13. There is no such thing as a vegetarian that eats fish.

    Vegetarians do not eat animals.

    Fish are animals.

  14. your coice vegans cant eat fish but vegetarians can if they want

  15. I vote No Fish

  16. IF You eat fish aint a Vegetarian

    Meat is the flesh of an animal.

    Fish is animal..


  17. I am a veggie, but still prefer fish.

  18. A vegetarian can't eat fish,  by definition. There is a name for people who don't eat any meat except for fish, I can't think f it though.

    I don't think people should eat any meat, including fish. But I'm not about to condemn people who eat no meat except fish becuase it's a huge step and any progress and change is great! Anything is better then nothing.

    Although I don't think people who eat fish are vegetarian, I congratulate them on their decision not to eat other meats.

  19. I think Vegitarians should not exist. Therefore they can eat anything they like.

  20. Eating fish doesn't make you a vegetarian. Many say fish gives you good brains, proteins and all sort of benefit but you can actually get them in your vegetarian diet.

    Fish hurts too.

  21. What do you mean "still" eat fish? It's possible for a vegetarian to never have eaten fish. And one who eats fish is not a vegetarian. Eating fish is eating the flesh of an animal, which vegetarians do not do.

  22. well im a vegitairn and im cutting off the fish. the fish is a live animal. so i say that you shouldnt eat it. but if you want to eat go  and eat it.

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