
Vegetarian Parents--?

by Guest21298  |  earlier

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Are your children vegetarians by choice or are you raising them that way?

I'm not saying it's wrong either way but I am just curious.

At what age do you let your children decide whether or not to be Vegetarians?

Thanks for the input!!!




  1. i have no kids, but i would raise them vegetarian

    when they get older they can eat meat or they can go vegan or they can stay vegetarian.... whatever THEY want...

    i would let them choose at any age they think is right

  2. I raised them that way but they have a choice.  I will not however buy or cook meat.  My eldest only eats tuna fish maybe once a month and if she wants it..she makes it.  My youngest who stayed vegetarian for awhile decided to eat turkey sandwiches one day.  Neither of them have ever eaten any other meat though.

  3. We are raising our children vegetarian. Since my daughter is only 2 and our other child is still in utero we have not decided when they can make this choice on their own. It  will depend on their maturity so I really can't state an age.
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