
Vegetarian and Vegans what do you think about man-made fruits and vegetables?

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Okay so I just found out that carrots, spinarch, broccoli, watermelon, corn, and some other things were made in a labortory.

This is scary because I thought these foods were made by nature, but there not.

How much has science corrupted our food?

And does it make you feel better that fruits and vegetables are made by man in science labs?




  1. That's kind of creepy but what can we do?? as long as its safe enough to eat, I am good!!! I still wouldnt eat meat though. those are by far more worst off than lab veggies. In my opinion.

  2. Most every   serious  veggie you will run into HATES GMO food. That's why so many of us have started growing our own vegetables.  Organic is really expensive to buy but cheap to grow yourself.  It's well worth the effort. You know what you're eating for sure that way.

  3. I only buy organic non-genetically modified veggies.

  4. YUCK!!!!

    Fruits and vegetables should be ORGANIC, not man-made. For all you know, they could have been made in the same lab as some disease; may be they were made out of some unknown chemical.

    Sorry, but i'm not eating any fruits that were grown in a lab, even if they were scientifically proved to be the most healthy of all foods.

  5. Naturepants is right on.

    Corn has been around for ever. Long before there were "labs" people in  preAmerica, Mexico and South America went so far as to worship corn.

    The veggies you mention are bioengineered (sp?) like 90% of the ganga I smoke... no biggie.

    Just stick to non-GMO and organic and you should be pretty safe.

  6. haha kinda weird but I love em.

  7. Scientific food is scary!!!  I like fruit/veggies organic or home-grown.  If we didn't have so many wild creatures living out back, I would grow my own!

  8. They're not "made in a laboratory".  They're just bioengineered.  They still grow like normal plants.  It's unknown if bioengineering could have negative effects, but there's a big difference between "made in labs" and "bioengineered".

    Their genes are changed for benefit-- for example, inserting genes from a fish that has antifreeze properties into tomato DNA so that the tomatoes won't freeze.  It's unknown what bad long-term affects this could have (will the genetically modified plants be weaker than natural ones and, if they're always grown instead of natural plants, will a blight wipe all of them out and there are no more tomatoes?) but it seems safe for now.

  9. Pretty much all food with the exception of seafood has been highly modified by cross breeding and or selective breeding.  Even if you buy heirloom seeds the plant is very different from the wild version.  Wild plants and animals don't preform well on farms.  

    Genetic modification is just an refined version of what farmers have been doing for centuries.

  10. Definitely corrupted. While i agree that its better than meat or animal products, it still takes more energy to produce which isnt really worth it.. and I'm trying really hard to be conscious of my impact on the environment so I don't really feel too great when I end up eating lab grown food.

  11. Its not that scary to me. They grow them in the lab... not that big of a deal. but it is kinda wierd...

  12. well, they taste just like vinyl chicken to me.

  13. What do you really mean by "made in a laboratory"? Could you explain further?

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