
Vegetarian eating Fish...?

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I am a vegetarian and I had Tuna a few months ago, and I haven't had any type of fish since - I really like Fish I just feel so guilty because I know that they get killed like the Animals what should I do because I know they are a good source of zinc and Apparently a lack of Zinc leaves white spots on your finger nails and I have got some, How can I work Fish into my diet and not feel guilty about eating it?




  1. eat the gold fish crackers : )


    but really if you are a veggie person, and not totally vegan then eating fishys is ok.

  2. People who eat no meat but fish are called pescetarians. Just tell people you're a pescetarian and you won't feel guilty.

    But just because you have a few spots on your nails doesn't mean you're unhealthy enough to have to start eating fish again. It's no big deal. I say just keeping trying to eat veg! But, please, if you give in again don't call yourself a vegetarian. It's insulting.

  3. Hm..if you don't want to eat fish and you feel bad about doing it then don't. Take your vitamins to get more zinc in your body.

  4. Fish are much lower on the food chain than mammals.   Eat fish.  They don't really have much in the way of brains. And they are no fun to cuddle.

  5. Stop calling yourself a vegetarian and then you'll have nothing to feel guilty about when you eat fish.

  6. If you're a vegetarian, you're not supposed to eat the flesh of any animal.  Fish are animals.  You can't eat them without ceasing to be a vegetarian: you can't have it both ways.

    Just take supplements.

  7. You don't need fish at all. All you need is a multivitamin. Also, the white spots are from iron deficiency, not zinc. SO, you can eat some green leafy foods, and you'll be fine. There's no need to eat any meat.

  8. If you're eating fish please stop calling yourself a vegetarian.  It just causes confusion.....if you eat fish but not other types of meat you are a pescetarian.   If you want to work fish into your diet, do what you like....but fish don't provide any nutrients that you can't get from other sources.  You have a lack of zinc, you say? here are a variety of foods including high levels of zinc:


    cheddar cheese

    chick peas









    sunflower seeds


    swiss cheese

    whole grains


    now......still think you need fish?  if so, it sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to eat it because you like it.  that's fine....just don't call yourself a vegetarian.  vegetarians don't eat flesh.

  9. Well i am a vegetarian and i eat fish , but i sometimes class my self as a pescitarian (someone who is a vegetarian who eats fish) but i would just say that only strict vegetarians don't eat fish, hope this bit of advice helps :)

  10. You can get Zinc in a vegetarian diet by eating fortified whole grains and cereals, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, peanuts), nuts and seeds, and soy foods (beans, milk, tofu, tempeh, and fortified veggie meats). It is not necessary to eat fish in order to get Zinc.

  11. That just depends. If you feel really bad about it, then don't eat it. Do you take a multi-vitamin? That would handle the lack of zinc in your diet.

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