
Vegetarian foods ( dairy) ?

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Ive been a vegetarian for about 3 months now and i eat cheese and milk and eggs..

thats okay right ? People always say to me that " they come from animals " and stuff

but they didnt have to kill the animal right ? and eggs.. they didnt have to kill it when it already came into the world .. it wasnt even born .. so its different

so is it okay to eat dairy ?




  1. If you like it, and it is good... EAT IT.... I have been a veg for 13 years and have yet to give up cheese... I don't drink milk and don't eat eggs... But don't avoid all prodcuts that contain milk and eggs... It is a personal prefrence.... Do what feels right for you, and not to get so hooked up on the labels society/peers put on us!!

  2. In order to continue to produce milk, cows have to be continually inseminated.  Keeping them constantly pregnant in an industrial setting drastically decreases their lifespan.  The resulting calf, if male, is sold for veal.

    Regarding eggs- egg producers s*x chicks when they are a couple of days old.  The vast majority of male chicks are thrown in the trash (and left to suffocate) or they are tossed in a grinder.

  3. Yes.  Vegans don't eat any animal products.  You can buy vegan substitutes for the dairy products at most grocery stores.

  4. Vegetarians don't eat meat.

    They don't eat fish.

    They can eat anything dairy like cheese and milk and eggs.

    Semi- Vegetarians don't eat meat but they do eat dairy and fish.

    Vegans dont eat dairy, meat, fish or anything that comes from animals.  

  5. It is perfectly acceptable and recommended to eat dairy.

  6. That my dear is your personal choice.  If you are a Vegetarian but eat eggs and dairy, then you would technically be an Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian, which means you don't eat any flesh.  A Vegan is someone who does not consume any animal products and that includes honey or wearing any animal products or by-products (silk for example, since the silkworm has to die for people to get the silk from it).  

    If you consider yourself to be a Vegetarian and not a Vegan, dairy is ok, just make sure you're getting it from a source that is free range and organic and not one of those horrible corporate cow farms that keep them inside a little stall their whole lives and pumps them full of hormones and antibiotics.  Check with your local farmers market or search the internet for an organic coop or retailer in your area.  Good Luck!

  7. only vegans don't eat cheese and milk .


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