
Vegetarian foods survey?

by  |  earlier

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It's more of a quiz.

Maria is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. Assuming she eats everything that is veggie, does she eat the following foods?

1. Beef!

2. Fish & Seafood!

3. Fruit & Veg!

4. Pork!

5. Chicken!

6. Eggs!

7. Almonds!

8. Bananas!

(Copy & paste the foods above, and write ''YES'' or NO'' next to each food)

Correct answers will get a thumbs up! Have fun! :)x




  1. 1.  Nein

    2.  Nullus

    3.  Ja

    4.  Iie

    5.  Non

    6.  Certe

    7.  Hai

    8.  Oui


    VEGAN.  Do I need protein?

    Only I know who really shot me.  It was an alien... named ELVIS!

  2. 1) She does not.

    2) Last time I checked, fish are animals, and vegetarians do not eat the flesh of animals.  So no.

    3) I certainly hope so!

    4) Nope.  Even the dimmest bulb knows that pigs are animals.  They may not know, however, that pigs are about as smart as a three-year-old human.

    5) Chickens are also animals, so no.

    6) Since she's ovo-lacto, yes.  I personally do not use eggs.

    7) Yep.  Almonds and other nuts and seeds are a-ok.

    8) Last time I checked, bananas were fruit, so yes.

  3. 1. Beef!---------------------h**l no

    2. Fish & Seafood!------h**l no

    3. Fruit & Veg!------------Yup yup

    4. Pork!---------------------What? h**l no!

    5. Chicken!----------------h**l no

    6. Eggs!--------------------Yes

    7. Almonds!---------------Fo shizzle

    8. Bananas!---------------Yeppers

  4. yes=fruit and veg, eggs, almonds, bananas.

    no for the rest.

  5. 1. Beef! (It's no longer "what's for dinner"...the cow jumped over our moon and I'm not sure where he landed, so NO.)

    2. Fish & Seafood! (They have eyes. So, NO.)

    3. Fruit & Veg! ( long as they are not screaming when they are pulled out of the ground or from the vine...sure!)

    4. Pork! (Hang on. Let me ask... Snowball says NO.)

    5. Chicken! (Anything apt to continue to run around after being decapitated {to me} constitutes a horror movie, not food. NO.)

    6. Eggs! (This is one of those unsolved who killed JFK, what happened to Amelia Erheart and who shot JR. We'll never know the *true*, official vegetarian stance on this one.)

    7. Almonds! (As long as the almond itself doesn't feel pain when its shell is cracked, it should be okay. Though, according to vegetarians, everything is tortured. I saw some almonds in a cage that was SO tiny it couldn't turn around. It just sat there and looked sad.)

    8. Bananas! (No. Humans eating bananas directly takes aways from many primates' main food source. Eating bananas is cruelty to animals - even more cruel than capturing them and keeping them in zoos.)

    HAHA! Good question Hollywood! I needed that today.


  6. 1. (emphatically) no!!!

    2. (emphatically) no!!!

    3. yes

    4. (emphatically) no!!!

    5. (emphatically) no!!!

    6. yes

    7. yes

    8. yes...especially in vegan banana muffins, right?? =D

    Thanks for a good laugh =)

    This should stop 20 or so questions from being asked today, such as:

    "Do vegetarians eat fish?"

    "My friend eats chicken but not meat, is she a vegetarian?"

    and of course....

    "What do vegetarians eat?"

    We needed a lighthearted question on here.....

    EDIT: thanks...gotta have fun in life, right? <3

    EDIT:  vegan- do i need protein? THAT WAS HILARIOUS!! five star answer, lol.  i especially like that you consulted with snowball about pork, considering that pigs have the same mental capacity as a human child!!  i had a pig named petunia once, and i'm sure she would not approve either.  she was a pet =)

    EDIT: hollywood, i love that you always get so many stars for your questions!! i think it's because they're always happy and fun =D.

  7. 1. Beef!

    Yes, there is a specific branch of veggie called beefatarianism - I know its true, i've seen it written here ;-)

    2. Fish & Seafood!

    Oh, absolutely. All veggies eat fish, Matt H told me

    3. Fruit & Veg!

    No, thats for fruitarians

    4. Pork!

    Yes, we eat this on a Tueday (DUH Hollywood, did you not know ?? )

    5. Chicken!

    Yes, again, Matt H was very clear about this

    6. Eggs!

    Ewwww, no, isn't that, like, er baby chicks ?

    7. Almonds!

    Nuts to that

    8. Bananas!

    Its true, some people are crazy here

    sorry I couldn't follow your simple instructions. It was because (a) I'm veggie so lack essential nutrients and (b) I've been to the pub this lunchtime

    I expect thumbs down please, if i get thumbs up I'll be mortified.

  8. 1. Beef!......... No

    2. Fish & Seafood!..........No

    3. Fruit & Veg!..........Yes

    4. Pork!.........No

    5. Chicken!.........No

    6. Eggs!.........Yes (Not something I'd eat myself, but this is a quiz about what a ovo-lacto vegetarian would eat, right?)

    7. Almonds!.........Yes

    8. Bananas!.......Yes

  9. this reminds me of my college days :o)

    1. no

    2. no

    3. yes

    4. no

    5. no

    6. yes

    7. yes

    8. yes

    ovo means she eats eggs, and lacto means she has dairy products!

    A+ for me i hope :o)

  10. 1 no

    2 no

    3 yes

    4 no

    5 no

    6 yes

    7 yes

    8 no

  11. 1. Nope

    2. Never

    3. Yummy

    4. Blaah

    5. No way

    6. Nah

    7. Yes please

    8. Love em.


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