
Vegetarian for better or worst?

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Why do people look at you weirdly and make fun of you when tell then you are a vegetarian?




  1. They don't.

    They continue to show me the respect i show them.

    The only people that i feel the need to tell I'm veggie are freinds ( for dinner visits etc ) and resturants.

    friends are not going to look at me weirdly and make fun of me. If they did, they would not be friends and I would not be at thier house in the first place.

    And if anyone in a resturant looks at me weirdly or makes fun of me, I wouldn't be thier long enough to pay the bill.

    As for the rest of the population, i don't see any need to tell them I'm veggie, 95% of the people I know have no clue I'm veggie, why would they ?

  2. I hate when people ask me why I don't eat meat and then decide to give me their opinions on it - I don't shove my views down their throats about eating meat. I don't agree with the way that animals are kept and killed and they insist on giving me a lecture on the fact the animals would probably never have been born etc etc. My mum used to tell me when I was a kid to keep my eyes on my own plate at the table - a lesson some of these people could use I think!!

  3. Those people are jealous that we have the willpower to give up meat

  4. I am a proud Vegetarian and so is my Partner we are proud of who we are and what we eat!! And so should you! Hold you head up high because at the end of the day you are living a cruelty free life and doing you bit for the environment.

  5. because they dont understand how disgustinfg their habit of eating meat is!

  6. becaues you dont see meat eaters goin around tellin ever1 that their a meat eater do you ???? NO. i'm a meat cutter at Gaint and i have my licence to be a professional meat cutter and i cant tell you have many people i see come into Gaint and look at the meat and say real loud "eeeewwwwww how can you eat that stuff, thats why i'm so vegan!!" like dude serously who cares, just walk away, dont make such a big deal out of it!!

  7. People don't do that to me, maybe it's the way your tell them, or your hanging with a bunch of closed minded people who would make fun of anyone who didn't do what they think is cool.

  8. People do that?  no, seriously, that's never happened to me, even after someone guesses that I'm veg.

  9. For better or worse, you mean?

    The answer to your question: sometimes.  The only people who are ever rude about it are people whose opinions I don't care about anyway.

  10. This happens to me all the time as well.

    I think it is because, as vegetarians (or vegans), we are a "stand in" for the dead animals on people's plates who can not speak for themselves. We remind people that there is an ethical problem with killing and consuming another sentient being... and this makes them uncomfortable.

    The reason that we are attacked and made fun of so often is that this is their typical "defence" against having to consider the fact that their "food" once had a mother, father, its own life.

    If they can dismiss us as loonies, radicals, weirdos or hypocrites then they are saved from having to truly consider the ethical problems with consuming meat, which we vegetarians remind them of by our very presence.

  11. I don't klnow. I suppose they can't comprehend how you can be so completely different to them? I'm a vegeterian(was), and I always feel so awkward because everyone seems so worried when they find out. Why? How can you NOT eat meat? I would DIE if I didn't eat meat! What are you going to eat then? Can I get you a carrot?Should I make some soya sausages?How do you do it?

    Well, I would die if I had to eat it! And I don't eat or like meat so therefore I don't like soya sausages which are made to look and 'taste' like meat.

    I don't know why they make fun's not like we persecute them for EATING meat.

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