
Vegetarian info.?

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i was considering becoming a vegetarian i need some info like how do they get there protein balance what are the pluses of it, anything can help.




  1. Eat all type of variety of vegetable foods.

    Nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains...etc

    and take foods fortified with vitamin B12 or B12 supplements.

    especially if you don't consume egg and milk.

  2. Protein is found in about everything, except fruit.

    Things that have a lot of protein (as much or more than meat) are: nuts, legumes, leafy vegetables, tofu, soy milk, veggie burgers and other mock meats.

    I felt much better after turning vegetarian, and eat a much more varied diet now (suprisingly enough)

  3. soy nuts and fake meats are all forms of protein

    you'll feel more energetic, have an overall better health

    and be able to sleep a lot better at night

  4. Wow, there's so many reasons to be vegetarian:

    You aren't hurting animals, you don't have to worry about a lot of food diseases

    It's healthier:

    Protein is easy to get - just eat some tofu, tempeh (made from soy, but different texture from tofu), seitan (made from wheat gluten), or nuts (peanut butter is really easy to include)...Americans put such an emphasis on protein, and while it is important to include in a balanced diet, the average diet contains far too much to begin with...

    Also, dietary cholesterol only comes from animal sources, so you have a much decreased risk for heart disease and other heart problems when you're vegetarian.

    If you aren't eating meat, it usually follows that you're probably going to be eating more fruits and vegetables, so a most likely lower fat diet.

    It's better for the planet:

    Producing meat is a completely inefficient way of obtaining food: it takes so much more land, water (farmed animals use more than half of the water consumed in the US), grain, etc. to get meat than it does to produce fruits and vegetables.

  5. Soy products. Beans, legumes, grains. Wheat gluten products.

    A good balanced meal is squash, corn and beans on brown rice. Season to your taste. I like to use lots of ground cumin and some dried chili powders to give it a southwestern flavor.

    Unless you are trying to go vegan you can incorporate dairy products and eggs for protein.

  6. Protein? Everything has protein in it. All that you have to do is eat from all of the four vegetarian food groups.

    Bread, pasta, rice, cereal, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies offer everything that you'll need. The only exception MIGHT be B12. It is recommended that EVERYONE take a B12 supplement or eat fortified foods. Most people are deficient to a degree, not just vegetarians.

    There is an incomprehensible mount of suffering in this world, we don't need to contribute to that which can be prevented.

  7. Hey

    I recently, briefly, went Vegetarian, to the extreme downfall of my general health D:

    I didn't really know how to eat well as a vegetarian, and ended up in an awful state of indigestion and extreme fatigue

    So just a warning, doooon't go into it without a planned diet

    Good luck! :3

  8. You can find a list of nutrients and corresponding foods here:

    There are many pluses considering that humans are 'designed' for such a diet.  Don't forget about exercise and other lifestyle choices too.  Diet alone will not do it all.  Just try to eat a whole-food diet low in processed foods, junk foods, etc. and you'll be fine.

    There are two books that are supposed to be good:

    Becoming Vegan

    Becoming Vegetarian
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