
Vegetarian marshmallows?

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i'm leaving to go camping on sunday, and i really want to be able to have s'mores! i was wondering if anybody could give me a recipe for marshmallows using agar agar. keep in mind that they will be roasted over a campfire!




  1. Just go and get some kosher marshmallows. Making marshmallows, vegetarian or not, is a bit of a production. The kosher ones are vegetarian because of pareve. (In short, they are neutral and contain neither meat nor dairy and therefore can be eaten with either.)

  2. why dont you just call up wholefoods and and see if they sell veggie marshmallows.  btw...homemade marshmallows are awesome but need time to dry ..they are kinda gooey at first.


    i did a bit more marshmallows are not vegan

    this explains:

    What is kosher gelatine?

    from the Vegetarian Resource Group:

    Kosher gelatin can be made with fish bones, and/or beef skins. Contrary to assumptions, it is also considered kosher to use it with dairy products. Kosher law is very complex and the bones and hides used in gelatin production are considered pareve. The general meaning of pareve refers to foods that are neither milk nor meat, and many people assume this means that the product is vegetarian. However, OU pareve certified ingredients can have animal products, such as fish, eggs, and gelatin, in them.

    "Kosher Gelatin Marshmallows: Glatt Kosher and 'OU-Pareve'," an article that appeared in Kashrus Magazine, explains the distinctions. A quote from the article is as follows:

    "...since the gelatin product is from hides or bones - not real flesh - and has undergone such significant changes, it is no longer considered 'fleishig' (meat) but 'pareve', and can be eaten with dairy products."

  3. Marshmallow cream (that comes in a jar) is vegetarian.  Obviously, you can't toast it over a fire, but you can pour it over a piece of chocolate sitting on graham crackers and then, using a grilling basket, heat the whole thing over a fire for a few minutes to melt the chocolate some.  It may not taste exactly the same, but it's pretty close (except for the flavor the browned parts of the marshmallow imparted to the mix).  Besides, it's better than not having s'mores at all.

  4. here's a hint. if they're kosher, they're vegetarian. don't ask why. just trust me.

  5. This site might help. If you put a small piece of chocolate in the marshmallow before you toast it .....mmmmmmmm.

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