
Vegetarian meals..?

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Hi there! Recently, I became vegetarian, and I was wondering if anyone has good recipes for me to try out. I've had plenty of things without meat before, but most of it involved plenty of cheese..I'm trying to balance out my 'cheese' diet (cheese once a day) so, any ideas?

Please help!

thank you :)

peace and love




  1. Stir Fry is really good.

  2. Check out this website for Recipes!

    Plus, I recommend her book if you don't already have it.

    Her husband: Morgan Spurlock he made the acclaimed movie "Super Size Me" (2004)

  3. - - -

  4. Here . I will tell u my favorite meal ever .... it's an egyptian meal which is called "sinayet batates" Which literally mean "potato tray"

    it is delicous ..and i make it amazingly ..

    this dish feeds 4 or 5 ..maybe even 6

    anyways u need about 5 or 6 big potatoes ... and u need to cut them all in 1 cm slices (season them no to give a nice flavour) ... then u need about 5 tomatoes cut into very thin slices also ...and then 5 or 6 green peppers also cut into thin slices ... and one onion cut into thin slices ...u then need an oven dish .. u need to oil it first ... apply one layer of tomatoes ,onions and peppers ..not on top of each other but besides each other ..add half the sliced potatoes layering them neatly on top .then another layer of tomatoes and onions and peppers.. add the rest of the potatoes .. then add a layer of onions and green peppers only and then add all the tomatoes on top to fill a new layer full of tomatoes if the layer isn't full of tomatoes slice up more tomatoes ...(make sure the ingredients don't exceed the height od the oven dish but have space to expand a bit )

    use a glass oven dish

    now pre-heat the oven to 240 degrees ..

    now for the tomato sauce ..... crush about about 5 cloves of garlic and in a large saucepan ..put the crushed garlic and enough oil to cover the garlic ....on a high heat ....wait until it starts browning add 4 or 5 big spoons of tomato puree  and add ALOT OF WATER ... (bear in mind that that the sauce should fill the oven dish ..and then some)..season with alot of salt ...and pepper ... and the juice of one lemon ...(if ur reading this and ur not aa vegetarian ..add a cube of chicken stock ) ..then fill the oven dish with the sauce or until it covers the potatoes ..*there should be some sauce left

    put the oven dish in the oven on lowest possible shelf ... leave for an hour (In the mean time make rice)

    check on the oven dish ..and make sure the potatoes on the bottom are soft and moist ...and u can see the sauce boiling (that's what the glass is for)

    if yhe bottom layer is soft ..add to the top shelf .. leave for around 15 minutes ... check on the oven dish .. the potatoes should have then absorbed the sauce ..and the sauce would have lessened ... add the rest of the sauce and leave  for around another 20 miinutes..or until the potatoes are soft on the top layer ..and the tomatoes are a crisp

    serve with rice


  5. soy burgers YUM!

  6. try they have a ton of recipes for every meal of the day.

  7. My best advice is go to and select advanced search then choose vegetarian. It gives reviews and alternatives to recipes and I have had so many good meals come from there. I am a nanny and I am cooking for a non-veg dad, a vegan mom, and three mostly vegi kids. And some of the meals I have pulled off that website have pleased everyone. The important thing is to be creative and not afraid of the occasional failure. You knowyour tastes so adopt the recipes to them, but don't be afraid of new things!

    The last one up above was the best. My best tip for cooking with tofu: Take very firm tofu and get the water out by placing it on a plate, with a cloth towel, then place another plate on it. Put a few cans or other slightly heavy object on top to press the water out. Then cut it up and freeze it in tupperware-ish container. That totally changes to texture.Makes ok recipes great!

  8. Spinach and Artichoke Filo Pastries

    Baked Bean Soup and Coleslaw

    Soba Noodle Salad with Spicy Sesame Orange Dressing

    Quinoa Stuffed Peppers with Harissa

    Maple Roasted Tofu with Asparagus and Rice Noodles
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